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1. What's your favorite story gene to read?

Fantasy and Sci-fi

2. What you would like to see more of on wattpad?

More edited and well written stories. More stories that show the effort that's put into it.

3. What's your favorite thing about reading?

I like losing myself in other peoples worlds :)

4. What's your least favorite thing about reading?

D: The ending! Especially if its a really good book. You just want it to go on forever, you know!

5. Who's your favorite author?

Jacqueline Carey and Tamora Pierce, hands down.

6. Do you read on another device? If so, what do you use and how many stories do you have saved on it? If not, how many stories do you think you have in your library?

I read on my Droid. That's kind of all i have lol. I don't have many stories saved on it, because I just downloaded it, and i tend to read longer stories. I have ALOT of stories saved to my library on the computer though lol

7. How often do you read?

I read everyday. Especially in the quite time before falling asleep :)

8. What are some things that just annoy you to see in a story?

I do not like reading stories where the author has not tried to spell check, or do a grammar check. I understand missing stuff here and there, that's perfectly acceptable. Dont get me started on text speak in story... just.. no.

9. Would you ever consider writing?

I write all the time :)

10. What are some do's and don't's authors should follow?


DO try to plan a lose plot,

DON'T make your story shallow.

DO try your hardest. Readers can tell when you are trying, and when you are not.

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