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1. What's your favorite story gene to read?

  My favorite genre of a book is......Well, to be honest I don't have one, anything that catches my eyes, and keeps my hooked on to it like a fish on a hoo is something I will read.

2. What you would like to see more of on wattpad?

People using spell check, and checking their grammar mistakes. 'Cause it really annoyes me when a word like 'Cause' appears in a story like 'Cuz'. I mean really people grow up, and use proper language, I mean if the character is texting that's fine, but in a sentence, that really makes you look like a knuckle-head  

3. What's your favorite thing about reading?

  My, favorite thing about reading is, that when I pick up a book, and I start reading it, it takes mr into a whole nother world, I feel like I am actually sitting with the character and watching all this happen.   

4. What's your least favorite thing about reading?

What do you mean what's my least favorite thing about reading. I LOVE every single part of reading, it's like a second half of me.   

5. Who's your favorite author?

Well, in real life my favorite author is, Suzzane Collins, BUT I do prefer, Rick Riordan, sometime. On, wattpad my most favorite author would be.......YOU! Because the way you give full descriptive words that add that cherry on top of the ice-cream.   

6. You read on your ipod. About how many stories do you have saved on it?

  Right now, I dont have many but. am getting there.   

7. How often do you read?

 Whenever, I have free time.   

8. What are some things that just annoy you to see in a story?

Clichè things annoy me.......Actually I really don't know what Clichè means....I guess maybe, something that, has less drama....Drama adds the perfect spic to a perfect recipe.  

9. Would you ever consider writing?

 I would, I just need some help with the editing and stuff, then I'd probably put up one of my own stories.  

10. What are some do's and don't's authors should follow? 

 I really have no clue.....? 

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