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1. What's your favorite story gene to read?

fantasy, teen fiction, mystery and adventure

2. What you would like to see more of on wattpad?

historical fiction defiantly. It is a challenging topic but i would like to see people challenging themselves. maybe my next book should be a historical fiction

3. What's your favorite thing about reading?

It can take you to another world and it gives you a sneak peek at what the characters are feeling and sometimes you can relate to the character.

4. What's your least favorite thing about reading?

the one thing i struggle with when reading something is when someone explains a place with every single detail because i just can't imagine it. i am better with just brief explainations so i don't like that about reading

5. Who's your favorite author?

I don't really have one but i like Alyson noel and J.K Rowling

6. Do you read on another device? If so, what do you use and how many stories do you have saved on it? If not, how many stories do you think you have in your library?

I have an ipod so i save wattpad books on that. I have quite a few and it's good if you are not connected to the internet but want to read your favourite book on wattpad

7. How often do you read?

normally before bed and during the day i read wattpad books

8. What are some things that just annoy you to see in a story? 

i don't really like to see too many characters in a story being introduced at the same time because i can't remember their personalities and looks.

9. Would you ever consider writing? 

Yes. I have three books of my own and i have a few drafts

10. What are some do's and don't's authors should follow?

do try and take risks with your stories. don't be nasty about stories you read because if you make a mean comment you can really hurt their feelings and you could cause them to stop writing and i don't think you'd want to be responsible for that

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