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1. What's your favorite story gene to read?

  I like anything really, but there has to be Romance included. If the story doesn't have any Romance, then I won't read it.

2. What you would like to see more of on wattpad?

 Probably more original, unique stories getting the attention they deserve. There's lots on here, but they're all right down the bottom of the ladder because of all the cliche stories taking over the place. Ha.

3. What's your favorite thing about reading?

 Escaping reality. It's nice to slip into someone else's life (the character's) and just be someone other than myself, experience what they experience; their life, their world, their personalities. (:  

4. What's your least favorite thing about reading?

Hmm. I don't think I have one. I guess it might be the chances we have to take when starting a new story; you don't know whether you'll like it or not, but you have to give it a read to find out. And there are times that the stories don't live up to your expectations, and it seems like just a waste.  

5. Who's your favorite author? On Wattpad, I don't choose favourites. My favourite published author would be Richelle Mead, although I have lots more. :)  

6. Do you read on another device? If so, what do you use and how many stories do you have saved on it? If not, how many stories do you think you have in your library?

 I read on my phone. It has the same amount of stories on it as my Wattpad Library. I feel more comfortable lying in bed and reading from my phone. I don't have a lot in my Library, but I get to them when I can.

7. How often do you read?

Every. Single. Day! :D   

8. What are some things that just annoy you to see in a story?

 Wow. There's a lot, haha. Lack of detail, lack of personality in the character's, lots of grammatical errors, predictable events and plot lines, unrealistic character's and situations, things that have been done thousands of times before. I could go on, but I'll stop there. (;   

9. Would you ever consider writing?

  I already write.

10. What are some do's and don't's authors should follow?

 Do's: focus on your writing and not the popularity. Take helpful feedback and work with what they give you; but you always have the choice to take their advice or not, but mostly the feedback is helpful and not harsh. Plan and set out your story before writing it - you can write a better story that way, knowing things are already planned and written down. 

Don't's: Don't write something that has already been done thousands and thousands of times before - readers want variety. Don't use hardly any descriptive or emotive language; they're both really important in writing, they hold your story together, and you need them both to connect your readers. Don't rush your work; take your time, there's no limited time on Wattpad (unless you're in the Watty Awards...) but my point is, if you rush, it shows in your writing. 

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