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A/N - This story is heavily inspired by a fic I had read a while back which used the same concept of Selection Day. I haven't been able to find it recently, but I just wanted to give credit to it prior. Anyways, enjoy!

You're rich. Or you're poor. There is no between in the country Yoongi lived in.

Korea's economical problems had dropped tremondously over the years. A war that made more than half the country digging for food, scavenging for shelter, and trying to overall, survive.

Yoongi's town of Daegu was more of a village now with their messy man-made wooden houses, empty fields of grass that held more weeds than plants, and the residents that resembled a stick. They had to live like animals in order to survive.

Everyone looked easy to break with their flat rib showing bodies. If they ask Yoongi, he thinks they are living more in the past than what everyone assumed their future was going to be like. Time just seemed to be going backwards than forwards according to the few history books Yoongi had come across on over the years.

Because of the country's poor state, this is how Yoongi found himself in this usual position.

"Can you please give me something? Anything so my family can at least have something in their stomach?" Yoongi tried to use the most pitiest voice he could muster. Yoongi didn't care about pride anymore at the moment, they were starving.

Yoongi had his black hood over his blonde hair and tried to hide his face as much as possible. He tried to make himself small by shrinking back and tucking his hands into his pocket.

The old woman at the front looked up from her chair. Her face formed into a scowl the second she recognized who it was by just staring into Yoongi's eyes.

"Boy! Didn't I kick you out last time???" The woman stood up from her chair. The object scraped against the floor. "And for what? You have the nerve to return to ask for food? For your family on top of that? I can't believe it!" The woman gave a scandalized look. Yoongi shrunk into his dirty hoodie even more as he continued to get yelled at.

"It's because of people like you that I'm like this! When I was younger, I used to have everything! I used to have food and a good place to stay. But you people! Your mother giving birth to five children is the reason why we are like this!" The woman began to scream at the teenager.

Just one mention of his mother made Yoongi's pity look disappear in less than a second. A glare was slowly replacing it.

The old woman did nothing but continue. "And you want food, huh? Why don't you just go sell yourself for The Selection, huh?! Might as well do something for us in forgiveness for being born. Stupid, ugly boy." The woman scoffed. She looked away, seeming as if she was witnessing a dead animal blocking her way.

I already did, Yoongi thought to himself. There was no way he was going to tell the woman that though. He never goes off easy.

"Who am I kidding? It's not like anyone would ever want a scum boy like you. Your mother probably did something and got her kids as punishment." The woman snickered.

That's it, Yoongi angrily thought.

He spat at her. Her right eye to be exact. Yoongi smirked at the scream of horror she let out.

"News flash woman, you're old now and I don't fucking care if you had a princess life before war. You can complain all you fucking want but you're probably going to die faster than my family is. You have more wrinkles than anyone I've ever seen in my life." Yoongi made sure to be loud and clear. The woman's shocked expression was priceless.

Selection DayWhere stories live. Discover now