Chapter Two

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"Gracie, you will be fine. Your Mum will take you guys for ice cream. Be good to your Mum." I reassures.

"Noooo!!!!! Noooooo!!!!!!" She screamed out loud enough for the entire people in the room heard.

"Honey. I'll FaceTime you when I arrive the gate from custom check-up. Mama loves your sister and you so so so much!" I hugged and kissed Gracie before Lily as Ali had to picked Gracie up because she would dragging my leg.

"I love you guys so much!" I waved as I went into the custom check-up.

"Be safe." Ali responded.

A tear just rolled down on my cheek. I guess it's bittersweet, leaving my girls are harder but reunite with Maya is just special.

Two hours later, Toby and I sat in the airplane and waiting for landing off so we could take a quick nap for 15 hours flight.

I did a quick FaceTime with my girls and I had to ended the video call because I can see how hard they took. I think it'll be easier when I FaceTime them while I'm in Vancouver. To be truth, saw what Gracie did this morning literally broke my heart to million pieces. I'm her Mama, I just cannot stand to see what she went through but I had to remember that she'll be fine and getting used later. Gracie is my girl. Lily is Ali's Mum's girl. Sounds perfect.

The speaking of escort, Toby is going to Vancouver with me. It's unfortunate that we had to suffer with fear and insecure. Toby is top ranked police officer in Brisbane which is lucky for us able to get there with an officer like him. He's amazing and protective of us all. Toby told me that he contacted Rosewood and Vancouver police department to give them heads up that we'll going there to reunite Maya. They reassured us that Maya is real Maya not being masked by "A" and Rosewood police department gave us a little hint that they're already on process of lifetime punish to "A" group including Mona, Cece, Jenna & to name a few. They are holed up in insolation cells in federal women prison of Pennsylvania.

While I was in deep sea of thoughts, Gracie and Lily came back to my mind as I scrolled down to watch some funny videos of them that I took on my phone.

"Mama! Stop filming me!" Gracie was surprised to see me secretly filming her dance in her room while Lily ran into the room interrupted Gracie's little dance show.

"Why again, Lily?!" Gracie asked.

Lily giggled and responded "Just because I wanted to."

I screamed "Let's tickle Gracie down on the floor!" As Lily and I teamed up to tickle Gracie on the floor.

"Nooooooo!!!!!!! STOOOOOPP!!!!!" Gracie laughed so hard.

The video ends.

Until I found another video after many videos. "Sounds like you have an awesome family. Those girls are cute." Someone said.

I looked up to see a stranger, long brown hair with black sweater and hat lady sat beside me opposite to Toby.

"Uh. Thank you. I misses them terribly." I replied.

"Totally understandable. This baby will be my last baby after three children." She stated as she looked down to her tiny baby bump.

"Congratulations! It's must be nice to have a big family. It's nice for my children to have a few siblings to rely on." I responded surprisingly.

"I bet you won't regret that for the rest of your life." She replied.

"Mm." I nodded.

Three hours later,

Toby and I were already landed in Vancouver as we're heading to the hotel.

I got an email from Maya's parents, they told me to call them if I need anything during my first night in Vancouver. Also get rest before the big day tomorrow. I smiled at that email as I'm gladly but anxious to meet them, yes I mean Maya will not the only one who reunite with me. She'll bring her parents by her side. Crossed fingers that will going well tomorrow.

Toby and I got settled into a suite room with three bedrooms and three bathrooms with a nice lounge and attached balcony of the best view in Vancouver.

One word description of the day is, actually two words... Jet lag! We're settled into a long overdue sleep until tomorrow morning.

The time alarm starts vibrating as I woke up to three missed text messages from Ali.

I panicked to checking to see if anything okay with my twins.

Ali Lauren
Sounds like the girls have a blast!
Attached picture of the girls snuggled into a blanket together.

Ali Lauren
The girls wanted to paint a Canada flag while you're enjoying your vacation in Canada!
Attached a picture of the twins smiled with a paper of painted red Canada flag in between them.

Ali Lauren
The girls and I are hoping that you're doing well during your first 24 hours in Canada!
Attached picture of the girls with Ali at the beach with written in the sand of 'WE LOVE YOU, MAMA!'

I shed a few tears, happy tears to be clarify. Ali sure does know how to make me feel more comfortable while I'm thousands miles away from them.

I replied:
Aww Honey Bee! (I called them together as Honey Bee, with a separate identify themselves, Gracie as Honey and Lily as Bee). Mama is proud of you both! Mama misses you all three. Hugs and kisses from your Mama. Be good girls for your Mum!
Attached picture of myself with a nice view of Vancouver from my balcony.

Text was sent.

I stared at my phone for a few minutes until I came up to realization when it buzzed with a new email message, I checked and it was Maya's parents.

Do you want us to come over to your hotel this morning? Maya cannot wait to reunite you after those long eleven years.

I smiled at email but I had to check with Toby first which he was already out in the lounge. He insisted that would be no point to wait a little later. So I let them know that they can meet us at the lobby of Le Chateau Vancouver hotel. We went down to the lobby and started impatiently waiting for the arrival of my dear Maya Anne St. Germain. Those minutes starting to become hours. I checked the time on my phone, it was only three minutes. I need to chill.

Ten minutes later, Toby looked up as he forced me to look at him which my back was on the front entrance of the hotel lobby.

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