A Run In

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Chapter 1

The picture is Arya

Arya's POV

"Dammit!" I rush down the empty corridor, my black Chuck Taylors squeaking loudly on the marble floors as I try desperately not to fall flat on my face and maybe... Hopefully... Make it to class on time for once.

"Fu... Oh." I stop myself short from swearing and land myself in front of an open door, face to face with our teacher for the year.

"Miss... Arya is it? You're late," She huffs, gives me a once over, and rolls her eyes. Bitch.

"Sorry ma'am I just..."

"Get in and sit down."

I take a seat at the back as far away from the friggin' jock crew, that being one person in advanced program English, as possible. It's not that the jocks aren't smart they just... Well they don't have much time for extra subjects. Not that I mind them not being here most of them are arrogant jerks anyway and the school doesn't do much to discourage them. They could pretty much skip school altogether and be fine as long as they show up for practice.

"No I'm sorry Arya," the teacher sighs and rubs her forehead in a mixture of irritation and exhaustion, "I require you all to sit in the front two rows, that includes you and..."

"Daren," the jock guy finishes her sentence for her as he moves to one of the two last empty seats at the front of the classroom, forcing me to have to sit next to him and one of the straight-A-better-than-everyone girls. Fine.

Daren's POV

She slams her books on the table and drags her skinny-jeaned-band-shirt self into the seat next to me. She looks at me, head tilted as if examining me, and then shakes her head causing her thick side fringe to flick its razor blade edges out of her eyes. She pulls at her long sleeves as the lesson starts and notices me watching her. She raises an eyebrow effortlessly and I turn away as quickly as possible.

Shit. What if she thinks I like her or some crap? I mean it's not that I don't it's just that... I don't know. I guess she is pretty cute. She's got these big beautiful brown eyes and I do kind of like the streaks of colour in her hair. Not to mention her perfect cupid's bow lips and freckles hiding just behind her base and...

No wait. Nope. Not cute. No.

Well... Maybe a little cute. For an emo chick I mean.

Arya's POV

This year is going to be hell. I swear he was planning my death the entire lesson, he kept looking at me then shacking his head angrily, and now I have to endure this for an hour three times a week. And judging from the reaction to me this year is going to suck. Like mega my face fucking hurts and is covered in bruises suck. 

I moved to get away from this shit. I don't want to have to deal with this again. The verbal stuff I can handle, that's what earphones are for, but the physical stuff... 

Let's just say I'm tired of bruises for just trying to express myself.

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