15: Astaroth *MA*

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*****MA CHAPTER*****

Dedicating the first MA chapter to @JenniferFox4! Here's your MA scene! ;)

Also, just a note, I've never really written (well, never publically written) anytihng MA, so you'll have to let me know how I do. I didn't want to be TOO descriptive (believe me, I could have gotten a lot more detailed), but I may not have been descriptive enough. IDK. So, let me know! If you want more, I can definitely re-write that part to give you more. If not, then I'll just leave it how it is. (:


Well, that's the end of day two, I thought to myself as I turned off my light and made my way to my bedroom to go to bed. It had been two days since I had broken my bond with Gajeel. And two days since I've seen him.

I wasn't surprised that he was avoiding me, considering all of the awful things I had said to him in the forest. I wanted to cry every time I thought about it, but I wouldn't let myself. I don't deserve to cry. I did that to protect him, because I put him in danger. I have to kill Astaroth, then I can apologize to him. I doubted he would ever accept my apology, but I would give him one anyways. If I survive long enough to give him one.

I had to face it, I'd probably die when I went up against Astaroth. He was known as the Prince of Hell for a reason—he was strong. Really strong. And I'm not. Master was right. If I couldn't even defeat Gajeel, how could I ever hope to defeat Astaroth? Especially when he controlled demons as strong as Gajeel.

I sighed. “How is it that everything goes back to Gajeel?” I knew the answer, but I continued pushing that thought to the back of my mind. I refused to think about it until I could. I can't let myself love anyone until Astaroth is dead. But I did. I had loved Gajeel since that night in the woods when he had saved me. Maybe even before that.

“Fate really is cruel,” I murmured, crawling into bed. I looked up with a frown when someone knocked on my door. It's nearly three in the morning. Who would still be awake at this hour?

I grabbed my gun and slowly went to the door. I cracked it just enough to see into the hallway. “Gajeel?!” I gasped. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into my room. “Boys aren't supposed to be in here! How did you even get in?” I asked.

“Planning on shootin' me?” He smirked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at the gun in my hands.

“No,” I snapped, feeling my face grow hot, “well, yeah, if you had been an intruder.”

“Get many of those in the girls' dorm, do ya?” He chuckled, causing the blush to deepen.

“No, but who the hell visits someone at three in the morning?” I returned my gun to my bedroom, willing my cheeks to return to a normal color as I made my way back to the living room. I was thankful my apartment was so dark, otherwise I'm sure he would have seen how red I was.

“Is that what time it is?” He frowned.

“Yes. Why did you come here? I figured you'd still be mad at me.”

“That's actually why I came. We need to talk.”

“There's nothing to talk about,” I said.

He grabbed my hand when I tried to open the door, pulling me close to him. “Yes, there is, because I think you lied to me.”

“About what?” I asked, uncomfortably aware of how close our faces were.

“Hating me. For a second, right after I said I have feelings for you, your little act faltered. I could tell that you felt the same way.”

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