"Anytime, Princess. I'll be keepin' a lookout for you," He said with a smirk, before walking out of the hotel.

My jaw unhinged slightly, completely confused as to what had just happened.

"Who was that?" Max asked, his eyebrow still raised in suspicion.

"I don't know, I ran into him—"

"And now you smell of him. Rather strongly. Probably because you're still unmated." He commented.

My eyes widened. "Like, really noticeably?" Goddess, this was not what I wanted. Damn the paparazzi.

Max nodded. "If Dante doesn't say anything about it, it's because he's plotting to kill that dude. Just saying."

My eyes widened even more but Max started walking towards the elevators, so I followed. When all three of us got into an empty elevator, I let out a sigh.

"What's a Snapchat?" I asked, and Max's jaw dropped with an amused expression.

"Did he ask for yours?"

I nodded. Max let out a bellowing laugh.

"You're kidding!"

I rolled my eyes. "Never mind, then."

"No, no, that's such a horrible move. It's like a messaging app, you send pictures to your friends and post things, it's, uh, social media. Yeah. Only douches ask for it though. That's why it's funny." He explained.

"Oh." I replied.

"Did he say anything else?"

I shrugged, not wanting to reveal much else, like the fact that I also didn't know what an Instagram was, or where his accent was from.

"You're lying. But I'll just leave it up to Dante to get that information."

I turned my head to look at him. "It's not that important. I don't know how to fix his scent on me, though."

Max wrinkled his nose. "I hate to say it, but the only way to do that is to replace it with Dante's. I'm sure he'll be more than completely on board, though. Ugh." He shivered.

The elevator dinged to a stop, and we walked out into a beige hallway, with few to none doors. We came to the end of the hallway, with a large set of double doors in front of us. Max knocked.

"I told you it'd be boujee," He said to me, before the door was opened to reveal Dante on the phone. He put up a finger and walked back into the room, probably to finish his call.

I felt a tug on my hand. "Hey, Florence." Venice said, in the loudest whisper I've ever heard. "I've never seen the castle. Can we go?"

My eyes widened, and I leaned over to answer her. "Like, now?" I asked, completely confused.

She shook her head. "No, silly, it's almost Christmas! But later. Can we go?"

"I'm sure you can someday." I whispered back. Hopefully, Dante will have rejected me by then and this whole mess-up will be resolved.

"But I want to go with you."

I only nodded in response as I heard Dante set down his phone on the table.

"Why do you smell like another man?" He immediately questioned, looking over to me. His voice was non-hostile, like always, but his eyes pierced me with a certain danger to them, darkening. And I knew Dante well enough to know that emotion in his eyes was not directed at me, but rather at Clay.

My mouth went dry, and I could only cringe, refusing to look into Dante's swirled depths of blue and green. "Uh, I..."

Thank Goddess for Max. "She ran into some dude in the lobby. He hit on her. She didn't seem to understand that he was hitting on her."

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