
Start from the beginning

Jimin sang along to the familiar song softly and his husband rapped quickly at the parts where it was needed and Jungwook joined along to each part every so often ignoring his parents weird stares as he changed the pitch every so often to entertain himself. After a short twenty minute drive Hoseok turned off the engine and turned to his family to look at them with a bright smile. 

"Are you guys ready?" Hoseok asked and the two others in the car nodded and got out of the car. Hoseok and Jimin took their perspective flower arrangements in their hands and lead Jungwook into the grassy field covered in concrete headstones. Jimin sighed as the one he was looking for came into his vision and he felt his heart clench slightly as he squatted and took a seat in the grass. Hoseok sat down next to him and Jungwook followed beside Hoseok. 

"Hey Kookie." Jimin greeted softly as he leaned forward to pus the flowers into the plot his family purchased at the funeral for future use. "I'm here too." Hoseok said softly and set his flowers down in the plot at well. "Me too." Jungwook said with a short giggle and packed his flowers in with his fathers. 

"It's been ten years love but we still miss you." Jimin said softly letting a short smile push its way onto his lips as he let his eyes dance around slightly lost in thought but not entirely. "We'll always love you Jungkook." Hoseok added on watching Jimin run his thumb over the back of his other hand nervously. His husband reached over and intertwined his hand with his to rub his own thumb against Jimin's soft skin. 

"Dad can I talk to him?" Jungwook asked softly and Jimin's eyes widened as he turned to look at his seventeen year old son who had never chosen to speak until now. "Go ahead baby." He said and nodded approvingly before laying his head against Hoseok's shoulder and closing his eyes. 

"Jungkook hyung I didn't get to see you too often considering you're always busy. But I just wanted to say something that's been pestering me. When we first met I was seven. I told you to keep Jimin hyung happy. And even though-" He paused taking in a deep breath sniffling to himself "even though you couldn't do it forever you kept him happy. I'll admit I was angry before. I was young and didn't understand." Jungwook said pausing again and squeezing his eyes shut as Hoseok's free hand rubbed against his back in comfort. 

"But I understand what happened now. And you kept your promise keep dad happy. So I just wanted to tell you that I'm not angry even though I always said I was in the late nights even before dad adopted me." He said softly finishing up his deceleration and wiping his tears with his thumb. 

"I didn't know you were angry." Jimin said softly and looking over to his song who had wiped his last tear. "You weren't supposed to." He said softly and smiled at Jimin who stared him down with concerned eyes. 

"Jungkook we're finally accomplishing what we wanted to." Hoseok piped up and smiled brightly remembering his conversation with the two younger ones when they were still in college on the dance team before he graduated. "We bought a studio in Daegu it's near our home. Yoongi designs the music for our dancers. We're doing it Kookie." He said again softly and rubbed against Jimin's hand again. 

"We have to get going now baby." Jimin said looking to his family for their acknowledgement before standing up and helping his husband and child up. Hoseok and Jungwook walked ahead of Jimin as he straggled behind still lingering at the gravestone. He pressed his lips to the tips of his pointer and middle finger on his left hand before pressing the makeshift kiss onto the top of the gravestone with a smile. "I love you Jungkook." He said softly and walked away with quick feet to catch up with the other two that left him behind. 

Once the car was started Hoseok began driving on the freeway he needed to so that he could get his family home as quickly as possible knowing they were getting tired. "So dad, what color would you give today?" Jungwook suddenly asked causing Jimin's eyes to widen before he turned and looked into the back seat with a confused expression.

"I found your old college notebook the other day. You used to give things a color. Especially after you met Jungkook. It was cute I don't think you should've stopped so." Jungwook said finishing up his suggestive sentence. 

"I gave people colors not days."He explained softly and Hoseok reached over to intertwine their hands again as he drove faster down the freeway. 

"Well what color did you give me?" Jungwook suddenly asked causing Jimin to smile brightly at the day he decided the color of the boy. "Purple. It's bright but mysterious." Jimin explained softly again and his son smiled excitedly at the color. "What about dad?" He asked again and Jimin let out a soft laugh. "Yellow. He's lit up my life since we met no matter the situation." 

Jungwook hesitated before asking his next question but pushed on ahead "and Jungkook?" He asked watching his dad to make sure he wasn't upset by the question. He let out a soft sigh of relief when Jimin merely smiled and pressed his lips against Hoseok's hand earning a smile before turning to his son in the passenger seat. 

"Blue." This answer caused Jungwook to furrow his eyebrows in confusion and look at his dad.

"What? Why?" 

"Not for the same reason, it represents freedom for him now rather than sadness." 



That's it. Color Palette is officially done. 

Time to start Ace. (Probably tomorrow though cause I'm tired lol)

- Rose 

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