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Keith's POV
     I can feel the pain, and the wild ferocity... finally, I judge that Lance has gone to sleep. If all goes well, I'll be back before he realizes I was gone. I step, agonizingly quiet and slow, away from the clearing, until I get what I judge is a safe distance away. Then I let it loose. My vision turns red at the edges as the animalistic rage and instinct explode out of me in a burning tumultuous chaos.
Fur, wolfish ears, a tail, filed claws, and the blurry thoughts that came with being blinded by rage appeared. Turning was odd for me. I felt angry, but it wasn't exactly me. My conscience calmly stood in the background while this raging inferno of force that was and wasn't a part of me took over my mind and body. The twisting coil of fury that had been knotting inside my stomach for almost a month finally was released, easing the angry pressure that had been bearing down on me.
      I roared in satisfaction, the sound full of energy and animalistic intent. My conscience mildly reminded me that there was some need to not be loud, not to go a certain direction. But my power, my raging fury, said otherwise. It forced a howl from my raw throat, burning from transformation, and pushed me to all fours. I looked easily through the thick foliage, until I came to a clearing that seemed familiar in the bright moonlight. My thoughts were muddled as I raced towards a pile of stuff.
     I felt my head go up. The smell of raw meat — no, prey — infiltrated my nose. My conscience reprimanded me a little more sharply that I shouldn't be here. I couldn't shake the nagging uneasiness (and the headache coming on) that it gave me. Then, I heard a scream. My wolfish, primitive mind screamed to kill, KILL, but something wasn't right. Then I saw who screamed.

Lance's POV
     There it was. The RedBlood Werewolf, right in front of me. The whole terrifying mass of wolf and human features stood over me, head tilted in mild confusion. I looked around quickly, looking for any sign of the small Docker I had come with, then, in a sudden decision, I called out, rather panicky, "Keith? KEITH?!"
     Then the familiarity of the Werewolf struck me. I stopped to observe the features of the huge beast, even as I was reaching for my crossbow with tranquilizer darts loaded. I tilted my head as it advanced, watching the Werewolf sniff the air. Suddenly, with only a slight tensing of the leg muscles for warning, it lunged.
     "AAAAGH!" I screamed, only realizing the second scream was my own as well when it tore my throat. I reflexively shot the crossbow, hitting the Werewolf in the thigh, and he collapsed almost on top of me. I shot him again for good measure, then slowly stood up, shakily, to check if he really was out.
     My heart still pounded in my chest, and I felt very awake and jumpy due to the adrenaline still flooding my veins. When I walked over to its head, though, I had another heart-stopping moment. The Werewolf had an unruly, thick, purplish-black mullet.

TYSM for yelling at me to update, other wise, this would've happened way later. Keep on going guys! Anyway, sorry it was a tad short, and if you find spelling/grammar errors, please point them out, this was rushed. TYSM AND CYA LATERRRRRRR

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