Working Together

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Hello my precious puffs! Welcome to the fourth chapter of WhereWolf!
Lance's POV
Lance walked determinedly to class, prepared to apologize to the Docker. He saw Keith in the corner, where he marched over. Lance could see Lance flinch, but he seemed confused when Lance held out his hand.
"I want to apologize for my earlier actions," Lance smiled.

Keith took Lance's hand and shook it, and Lance, who did a good job of hiding it, felt his face heating up. Keith softly spoke, and his voice was gentle and lilting.
"I've done more research since we started," Keith looked down.  "I may have a lead as to where the Werewolf will be residing.

Lance tilted his head. "Where?"

Keith inhaled deeply and said, almost inaudibly, "The Ashmen Forest."

The Ashmen Forest was a huge forest of ash trees, huge, towering things with black bark and dark red leaves, and they all grew very close together. The ash trees mostly grew from a mutation that some trees developed when regrowing after a forest fire. As is obvious, the Ashmen Forest burned down, and when the trees started regrowing, they came back as ash trees.

Lance grinned. "Stakeout?"

Keith's face turned slightly pink, but he smiled devilishly and replied, "Stakeout."
Keith's POV
Keith was, to be honest with himself, panicking. He acted collected and cool in front of Lance, but he could feel his heart beat faster as he thought about the night to come. How was he gonna keep Lance from knowing? After all, they were incredibly "lucky" to start the project just before the full moon. The full moon, was, in fact, tonight, and Keith was worried sick.
He knew if he revealed his identity, he'd be sent to prison, along with those who had harbored him, knowingly or not, and Keith didn't want to put Shiro and the others through any more than they had to. Most of them had already had pretty rough lives. He couldn't not transform, though, because on the full moon, he was forcefully slammed into werewolf form by the lunar power lying in wait in his body. Some days, like today, he could feel the power's anxiety, ready to leap from its human shell and form into something blinded by rage and pain. He had to figure out a way to escape somehow, transform, and then hopefully corral his body back into human form. That, or he could call in sick. But he had already made a commitment to Lance, and he didn't want that guilt to weigh on him as well as other things.
So Keith decided to hopefully escape Lance near midnight, then come back when he had possession of his body again.
Keith packed a few things, including a few water bottles. One, he had specially marked with a dark line at its base, into which he had dissolved a decent amount of melatonin, which helped the body to sleep. He just hoped Lance would drink enough so when the time came, Lance would never even know Keith had left.
Keith tapped his fingers anxiously on his knee as he waited for Lance. They had decided on minimal shelter, only putting up tents if it started raining. He heard soft crunches from the forest behind him, and Keith spun to see Lance standing, dressed in dark, simple clothing in the forest. Keith smiled, relieved that Lance was now in sight, and said, "Here, I packed us water bottles." He handed Lance the marked one, wiping off the mark deftly with the excuse of dirt.
Then, settled and ready to stay up (Lance had packed a huge thermos of coffee), they sat in the clearing to wait, the howling of distant wolves and the bright silver sheen of moonlight coating the leaves, pouring over Keith's dark hair. And suddenly, he could feel it. The burning, raw power of the moon that raged inside him when it was full. He was burning inside, tens, waiting for the moment when Lance would finally fall asleep so he could release the agonizing tension curled up inside him.

Oop. I know the way they made up was kinda weird, but oH WeLl, I'm too lazy to write a whole chapter to heal their friendship . So, yeah, here we are. Sorry for being a HECCIN SLACKER!!!

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