2-14: Axe of Awe

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.^^ Map of the Nine Realms ^^

— James —

The sanctuary seemed a bit electrified, when I came back after school. Like someone important was coming, and they wanted to look busy. They didn't seem to want to explain to me, and when I eavesdropped, I only heard the name 'Khiame Thunder-Eyes' whispered a few times, and when it was said, someone shushed them immediately.

I shrugged and went about my business, selling my new talismans, and buying new materials. People were unnecessarily nice to me, which was always a bad sign, despite the very good deal I got on a whole crate of Volcanic Gold from Svartalfheim. I hadn't given up on making Dwarven Gold, and Kiana had promised me some of her best blades, if I managed it.

As I was bartering for a decently-sized ingot of a Greek Magical Metal, Celestial Bronze, the Market went silent, and the vendor accepted my deal swiftly, pushing the ingot, and its twin, towards me.

I paid double, for the doubled product, ignoring his assurances that it was alright, and tucked the metal away before I turned, my hand on my sword.

A group of Jotun's was approaching, two of them supporting an elder of their race, a rare sight indeed, while four more surrounded them, weapons drawn and ready.

"This is a peaceful market, Giantkin. Put your weapons away." I said simply, my voice carrying.

To my surprise, the elder coughed into his hand, and spoke in their tongue. "Heed him... we are not in danger here. Not in the Sanctuary." They obeyed, though they definitely weren't happy about it, and the elder took a few more steps, with the help of his fellows.

I hummed and summoned a large chair, which would fit his frame, in the space between us.

He grinned and chuckled softly, slouching into it. "I am amused by you, child. I hope you are James Parthenos?" He asked in English.

"You have a job for me? I'm busy at the moment, but I'm free in about an hour or so, I can do a fetch for you, if you like." I shrugged, answering in his tongue.

He smiled. "I see... As you can see, I am still weak, but I am no longer dying of pneumonia, which is good. Your father healed me."

"He's a Doctor, He does that. And?" I asked testily, slightly annoyed that everyone always knew my father.

The elder back-handed one of his own guards with an earth-shattering amount of force, when he muttered an insult. I watched in awe as the guard flew a good thirty meters into the air, nearly hitting the roof in his arched trajectory, and then crashed into the dusty ground in a crumpled heap about eighty meters away, unconscious from one 'weak' casual slap.

"I apologize for my grandson... as I was saying, your father healed me, and deferred the debt I owed him to you. Whether you like it or not, that debt is yours. I will pay it with a piece of information, and a map." He hummed.

"A Hint and a Map? What's the objective?" I asked, intrigued despite myself, and a little more wary of the elder now.

"The Fetch I wish you to go upon is one for an old, broken weapon of mine... currently in the hands of a Dead Dwarf. When you return with both halves, and the heart of said Dwarf, I will re-empower the failing weapon, and give it to you, settling my debt in its entirety. Are you interested in this?" He was breathing a bit shallower when he finished, but his eyes were as sharp as any I'd ever seen.

I scratched the base of my neck, humming. "That seems like a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I'm in."

He nodded and held out a Manila folder, surprisingly modern. "Then here you go... and the hint." He beckoned me closer. "Aim for the heart."

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