2-12: The Fox and The Hound

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.^^ The Golden Princess ^^

— James —

My head felt like someone had removed my skull, and replaced it with a jar of angry bees. It was impossible to focus, and all my senses were forcibly dialed up to 11 again.

The slightest sound pained me, until I found the mental limiter that desensitized me, amongst the bees.

"I suppose I owe you an apology. I was not aware of your age, when I told my minion to fetch you... you're rather young, to be fighting the type of Fae you Hunt." A soft, melodic voice sighed, from the balcony, ten steps in front of me, and the bees stopped buzzing.

My eyes were covered, but my ears were just fine, thankfully, so I mapped the room as best as I could, before answering. "You realize you're not my enemy?"

"Why ever would you think I thought of you as an enemy?" She asked, sounding honestly confused.

"Oh, I don't know, the blindfold, handcuffs, the kidnapping, the super villain speech that goes something like 'my minion was a bit overzealous, I'm afraid, I never meant you any harm, are you sure we can't come to an accord, Mr. Bond?' Maybe that part really sold it?" I grinned as I heard the minion rear back his hand.

"Stop!" She shouted, but it was too late.

His hand struck me, and his wrist snapped like a twig, while I ripped off the chains on my arms, and choked him out with one hand. I dropped his limp body, and stepped over him, removing the blind-fold. "Now, let's talk-... shop... uhm!!!" I turned around, blushing. "Sorry, I didn't know you weren't dressed!"

She laughed softly. "Dear child, it's called a swimsuit, and I am in no hurry to change. Now get over your pubescent attraction to my body, and sit down. We have much to discuss." She sat on one of the two couches, and crossed her legs, adorned only in nigh-invisible stockings and golden heels, which attached to the one-piece 'bathing suit' on a garter belt.

I sat down, and blushed again, brighter. "I'm well aware what lingerie looks like, ma'am."

She twitched. "Please... don't. My name is Vanessa Olivary, and you may address me, if you must, as 'Miss Vanessa,' nothing else."

I gulped. "Alright. Sorry, Miss Vanessa."

She sighed deeply, and waved a hand. Her clothes slowly changed, until she wore a silken wrap-dress over the bottom half of her swim-suit. "Does that help keep your attention on my face and voice?" She asked dryly.

"Sorry." I grinned guiltily, making a point to look at her face.

She nodded. "Accepted. Now, we have serious business to discuss. I am known in Damascus as the Golden Princess. The short version is, I lend money and sanctuary to Unsavory or Wanted Magical Creatures, in return for the protection having such friends provides, and eventual monetary reimbursement and profit. Does that make sense?"

"Right. You're a magical Loan Shark and Coyote. I know that. I'm looking for your clients." I nodded.

"Correct... an oversimplification, but correct. You're after a Group of Fae, Nine in total, who came to my door seeking refuge. It was given, and then, after they left, they announced to the world, that they had taken New True Names, and removed every Oath, Tie, and Debt they ever had." She growled.

"Including the one to you. You want your money back. They tried to murder my mum, and me. This is personal, for me, and it's only about money and petty reputation, for you, so let's not try to make it look like your reasons are anything less than selfish." I said dryly.

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