" I'm sorry, what ? " she stopped me before I could get to the door.

I kissed her cheek. " Nothing. "


I decided I'd clean up after my 23 year old boyfriend for the umteenth time while he was out. I rolled my eyes as I finished loading the dishwasher, wiped the counters, loaded the washing machine (he has more tee-shirts alone than I have clothes in general), and moved his shoes to where they freaking belong. I was doing the bathroom, when Carnell knocked on the door.

" I'm gonna glue your key to your face if you don't- "

I stopped mid-sentence when I realized it wasn't Carnell, but Jorelys.

I rolled my eyes. " I thought you were staying with Noelle? "

" I was, " she giggled. " But Trent called me, and told me how much he loved me and missed me. I'm just here to pick up my stuff! "

The smells of alcohol on her breath stung my nose.

" Uh, you took all of your stuff. "

She stumbled passed me. " Oh that's okay. I'll just take some of yours! "

I stepped back in confusion and chuckled. " What? Jorelys, you're drunk. Get some help! "

" I don't neeeeeeeeeed help! " she sang. " I'm going back to my baby Trent, and life is going to be f*cking great. "

I sighed. " All jokes aside Jorelys, that's not a good idea. I'm telling you, he will never stop. He has a problem too. "

" Well then I guess him and I will just be problematic together. "

I sucked my teeth, and Jorelys sniffed the air. " Whatcha doing ? It smells good in here. He has you doing his dirty work, huh ?"

I cut my eyes at her. " He doesn't have me doing anything. I chose to do these things, "

" Yeah right. You're just his little lap dog! Once he's done watching you jump through his hoops, he's gonna kick you to the curb, just like he did me. " she got in my face, as close as my stomach would allow her. " We f*cking loved eachother, Gabi. You're just getting in my way. "

My hands clenched into fists as a reflex. " I'm nothing like you. "

" You're JUST like me, and the sooner you get out of my way and let us be together, the better. "

" Jorelys! He doesn't want you. Get the f*ck over it. Move on. Go back to school, finish getting your degree, do Broadway in New York City, lay off the drugs and do something with yourself! "

She smiled. " I am doing something with my life. I'm practically doing the father of your child. "

I ran my tongue over my front teeth. " Carnell doesn't even think twice about you, Jorelys. Give it up. "

" Well uh, he sure as hell wasn't thinking about you when he was down my throat a few days ago. "

I shrugged. " You're lying. I know you're lying. "

" Oh, am I? "

A lock clicked behind us. At first, Carnell was looking at his phone, but took a step back when he saw me and Jorelys inches apart.

" Carnell, what is she talking about? "

" Um... "

" Tell her, babe. " Jorelys walked over to Carnell and wrapped her arm around his waist. He barely brushed her off before coming to my side.

" Gabi, listen to me. " he started, daringly. I froze, and looked into his milky brown eyes. " Remember the night that I went over to Patrick's after I put you to bed? "

I folded my arms, and shot him grey daggers in contrast to his creamy brown ones.

" Okay, well... I got there and Jorelys kissed me a few times, but..-




" I didn't exactly pull away from her... "

" It was more than him not pulling away, try more like him tugging at my shirt. "

" Shut. Up. " he hissed, his ears growing red and anger piling into his system.

I sighed and threw up my hands in surrender.

" I give. " I whispered, and headed for the door.

" Gabi, please. Wait.." Carnell tugged at my wrist and spun me towards him. " I am so sorry, baby. Really, I am. You're my everything and you know that. I know that. I was such an idiot, and I don't know what came over me. I should've made her stop, I know. I know what I did was wrong and that she can't even compare to you. "

" So why didn't you come home and take out your sexual frustration out on me like you should have? I'm pregnant, not circumcised. "

" I know! It was dumb. I agree, and I'm sorry. "

" Is that why you went over there in the first place ? "

" No! " his eyes went wide. " No. I swear. I went over there for Patrick, but he was asleep. "

I shook my head. " You don't want this, Carnell. " I signaled to my stomach. " You're not ready for this. "

I started for the stairs when I heard Carnell yelling at Jorelys.

I rolled my eyes and continued slowly down the stairs. To be honest, I was more irritated than hurt. I'm not too sure why. So much for the relaxing movie night I had planned, huh? Why does she always have to f*ck sh*t up for? G*d.

I hugged my bare arms as the cool air kissed my skin.

It took me to notice an all too familiar car to pull up next to me to realize I was crying.

Trent looked at me with pale green eyes.

" Why are you crying, Gabrielle? "

I turned away from him before he got out of his car to face me.

" Stay away from me, Trent. "

" Gab, I know we were toxic before. I'm sorry I hurt you. Give me one more chance? I love Jorelys ,but she'll never top you. She cant and wont ever top what we had. "

I rolled my eyes. " You both need new lines. Just..stay away from me. "

I heard a loud bang as Carnell busted out of the building doors in a rage.

" If you ever come near her again, so help me G*d! "

" Carnell! " I rushed in between them. " Cut the sh*t, both of you. I'm done arguing, fighting, and just...I'm done. "

" Gabrielle, don't do this to me. I can't be without you, we've proved that. " Carnell whimpered.

" Yeah, " stepped close to him. " What you can't do and what you will do are two different things. "

" What about our baby? "

I ignored a small gasp from Trent and a snarl from Jorelys.

" You have a few months to get your priorities straight. Until then... "


F*ck my life.

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