Chapter 20

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Chapter XX ending of a trapped reality

“Finally i’m free being stuck in there was not fun at all, not much freedom.” Kail commented while leaning on the box.

“You may be free but I still have to go through this which isn’t going to be very much fun from the sounds and looks of it.” Makail commented.

“It’s not especially at the start of it all.” Kail replied.

“Seems reasonable because you need to get used to your surroundings and the entire situation.” Makail commented.

“The people where the main problem.”

“That can be not fun to deal with, especially without friends.”

“Yeah and thanks for reminding me I need to free them from the gargoyle realm.” Kail said before walking to the room with the statue in it.

Makail looked at the statue his face with a smile. “Long time old friends.”

“It won’t be a long time for them.” Karasil commented.

“I know but they will know it has been a long time for me.”

Makail the placed a hand on the statue and chanted “Chì i cagiunati sò stati liberati da quì à a me propria dumanda.” The rock then shuddered slightly then almost as if like color the stone faded from them. Standing before him was all that had been trapped. Drath who had been released earlier seemed to have been put back into it as well.

“Makail!” Was the first thing he heard before getting nearly tackled by Hazel but managed to stay standing. “It's been awhile hasn’t it Hazel.”

“It certainly has.”

“Where still in the 21st century, are we not?” Drath asked.

“Yes we still are, why do you ask?” Makail asked.

“What are we going to do about getting around in public from the looks of things we would certainly stand out.”

“I already have a solution.”

“Drath can you ask all the dragons to stand in a close proximity area?” Makail asked.

“Not a problem.” Drath responded before all the dragons seemed to have moved on their own. Makail then drew a circle out of chalk that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere when he was done it was a double circle ring with people in the center. Makail then put his hand on the circle and said. “Reimbursal!” The ring then glowed slightly almost a blinding light once it faded all the dragons had disappeared and instead was people each seeming to resemble someone in the area except for one that seemed to certainly stick out. “Okay who is who, so we know.” Makail asked.

“I’m jewels” said a girl that was tall and had blue hair with violet eyes her skin tanned and her clothes was a robe that was blue, her voice sounded soft but mature. Hazel was slightly happen but seemed disappointed about something.

“I’m Kramer” said a man his voice deep and mature. He was wearing clothing just like Jewels but his skin was extremely dark with his hair black as night and eyes that where stormy gray.

“I’m Landen” a boy who seemed to have just reached 19 his voice not fitting how he looked. He was wearing a robe that covered everything but his head everything else was unseen. His pale skin on his face would almost indicate he hated sunlight but with his bleached blonde hair and vibrant red eyes told otherwise

“Names emerald” a cheerful girl said she seemed a little tall for her personality. Her clothes having surprisingly adapted to the era with her wearing shorts and a shirt

“I’m Callen if you need to know” a man said he seemed to be rough around the edges with a voice of stone. His clothing seeming to be that of a blacksmith.

“I’m Drath” said a small girl who was wearing all black her short hair almost to fitting for her appearance, her voice soft most likely out of embarrassment which was evident by the blush in her face.

“Why did Drath become a girl?” Caden asked chuckling slightly. “I mean I won’t judge she’s absolutely adorable but still.”

“I’m not sure.” Makail answered.

“Can you call me Asile now, since i’m technically a new person after all and don’t call me adorable I was once I great dragon but now i’m one of the shortest people here.”

“Your actually the shortest.” Callen said chuckling slightly. “But she is right but we should choose if we even want that, my name would be fine in this society. But some others wouldn’t do.”

“Then i’ll be Lincoln.” Laden said knowing who Callen was referring to.

“Carter will be mine.” Kramer commented.

“Jennifer will be mine.” Jewels said.

“Carrie will be mine.” Emerald said.

“I guess we have practically set into this era but Drath why the name Asile?” Makail

“I’m not to sure it just seemed to fit me.” Asile replied.

“Okay then, but what are you guys going to do about clothing?” Holly asked.

“I’m sure we will figure it out.” Carrie said happily.

“Asile you think you can figure things out for them while me and the rest of us go and fight Ragnarok?” Makail asked.

“Not a problem. Asile said seeming to be getting into the role.” Makail then teleported them up.

“Alright guys try to act like you just came out once we walk out we can’t seem off.”

“That is extremely smart of you.” Karasil commented having been silent for so long.

“Thanks and you’ve been quiet for awhile no comments or anything.”

“I have my reasons.”

“Let’s get going guys.” Makail said walking ahead but letting the others go

“Finally I'm out of there, the place was kinda getting boring.” one of them commented. “Laydon don't you think that's what we all thought.” Caden replied. “You do have a point.”
At least where out of there that's the main thing.” Someone else commented walking close to Caden's side. “That's true Holly.” Caden replied.

“We got more work to do guys before we face Ragnarok.” Makail said with a serious tone slightly in his voice.

“Makail is right we need to hurry time is running short.” Hazel said in the same tone.

“Why must you guys be so serious” Brandon commented.

“It's a serious time Brandon.” Hazel commented.

“Well, it was nice seeing you guys but we need to run.” Kail said stopping in front of the group. He then returned to his group and they disappeared.

“It was nice seeing myself and to see how my life will slightly play out.” Makail said.

“It's a bumpy ride but once you get to the end you know success is near” Kail said before walking back to his group. He then took Hazel and Holly's and who in turn took the others hands, they then appeared on the street outside of the principal building.

So Karasil what will you be doing after this? Makail asked

“I can’t say.” Karasil replied her face was somber almost as if she was going to lose someone or something important.

What is it Karasil?

“My time has ran out it’s time for me to go, i’m sorry but I am certain we will meet again.” Karasil replied. Makail’s face turned from a serious one to one that was out of happiness a smile going across his and not one of sinister intent but one of true kindness.

“I wish you safe travels then.” Makail replied. Karasil then looked at him and tears could be seen streaking across her face. “Thank you, Makail” she said as she disappeared into stardust his reflection coming back after so many years. “Goodbye old friend” he said in a whisper only one that he could hear.

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