Chapter 4

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Chapter IV a look outside the realm

"This job is so boring I mean the higher up people get funner jobs." a man said through a mic while digging into the ground with an excavator.

"You think I don't agree with you, now move a little bit forward you missed a spot in the hole." Replied another person who was a women who also spoke through a mic.

"You and your ocd I swear." The man then moved forward a little bit then tempted to dig into the ground but then hit something that made a loud ring.

"What did you hit Arnold!" The woman yelled covering her ears even though she was wearing ear muffs.

"I don't know Liz!" Arnold yelled back.

"Then let's check it out then!" Liz said cheerfully almost in an excited child manner taking off the ear muffs and mic.

"You and your curious nature." Arnold commented turning off the excavator, also taking off his ear muffs and mic and going into the pit himself.

"What kind of stone is this." Liz asked to no one in particular. What she saw underneath the earth was a piece of black stone that seemed to shine in the daylight but seemed to make everything darker around, almost as if it was trying to make it night time.

"We should tell someone about this." Arnold suggested.

"But who do we tell this too." Liz replied.

"I'm sure we will figure it out."


"Sir we have a situation." Someone said after seeing the two from the construction site on a camera.

"What is it, spill it." said some who was standing on a platform in a dark room.

"They found the statue that the strange person said would appear soon."

"So Ragon was right, but there is still something I don't understand about him."

"What is it sir?"

"It's how he knew about the statue, release the extraction team to go and collect it then put it in the closet museum but wait for my command to do so I have to go and greet them."

"Yes sir but why put it in a museum?"

"For inspection in plain sight."


"Hello there Mrs and Mr." someone said as they walked towards the two he was wearing a black suit with black shoes had a white shirt and a black tie with a slightly pale face and jet black hair and black eyes that almost seemed like a void. I heard you found a strange find.

Yes we did, but we don't know what yet, we haven't dug it up out of that hole Liz answered pointing to the piece of stone that was showing. "We've been here for nearly an hour making sure no one stole our credit for finding this."

"Don't worry about it and you will be credited for finding this, we will be digging it out of the whole and putting it in the nearest museum anyways we can't just hide this from the public now can we."

"Sir shouldn't we introduce ourselves some else." said standing beside the man who had greeted them he was wearing the same thing but had blond hair and green eyes and wore a gray tie instead of a black one.

"Why shouldn't we it's rude if we don't." the man commented. "I am Garrison and this is my assistant Alfred."

"It is nice to make an acquaintance with both of you." Alfred said politely.

"He is very formal with new people but once you get to know him he's as casual as an everyday person." Garrison commented nudging Alfred.

"Please don't that would be nice." Alfred said giving Garrison a hard glance.

"Alright we have business to attend to as well, now would you be so kind as to dig up what you found." Garrison said pointing to the strange stone poking out of the ground.

"With pleasure." arnold said getting back into the excavator and proceeding to dig up the stone carefully making sure not to strike it. Once it had been dug out completely it was pulled out slowly out of the hole Arnold then got out of the excavator and stood by his wife.

"Thank you we appreciate your work but i'm so sorry but I don't have much of a choice." Garrison said pulling out a small box he then hit a small button which caused the box to shoot out to lines which shocked both Liz and Arnold causing them to collapse to the ground. "Let's bring them to the house and let the taser do the rest."

"Yes sir, Extraction team bring the statue to the nearest museum." Alfred said into a mic. "The extraction team is on their way"

"Good, very good."


Gargoyle realm

"Finally a break from all that walking around." Caden commented laying back.

"You did barely any walking." Holly said hitting him in the stomach lightly.

"Hey that kinda hurt."

"It was supposed too."


"Guys since we here for a while why don't we tell each other about our past since we haven't exactly had the chance over the past year since we've all been busy." Makail suggested trying to get the two to stop fighting.

"That's a great idea." Makail Hazel commented backing Makail up hoping to do the same thing.

"Why should we do that, I don't see much of a point besides burn our time here." Caden replied.

"Caden has a point, it's not like we are going to be fighting each other." Brandon said backing Caden up.

"Then what do you suggest we do instead in order to burn our time here?" Makail asked curious of the answer.

"We can discuss relationships?" Caden said unsureness clearly in his voice.

"That would only work for four people here, so it would be pointless to do."

"That's true, I would just rather not discuss my past, and neither does Holly." Caden replied.

"I'm sorry I pushed you, we should probably get some rest, we still have a long wait unless you guys wish to continue exploring this place." Makail suggested.

"I would rather explore than sleep, we don't want to miss our deadline." Hazel said.

"You have a point Hazel."

"They then stood up as a group. Where too first?"

"I think we should show them the mirror room." Hazel said quietly.

"I think so too." Makail said quietly as well. "We need to see if it was just us or it's what we really saw."

"So a way to see if we are crazy or not without them knowing."

"Precisely, it would also be another way to see if we really do stick out from the others."

"Let's just hope we stick out rather than be crazy."

"What are you guys talking about?" Caden asked trying to eavesdrop.

"Where we plan on going and it's a place we found that we call the mirror room, that's at least were we think we should go" Makail answered trying not to reveal the real reason.

"Sounds like an interesting place can't wait to see it." Brandon commented suddenly.

"I'm the same here." Laydon replied.

"Then it seems we have an agreement on where we will be heading."

"Lead the way." Caden commented.

This isn't a show you know Makail commented.

"Did I say it was?"

"No but you implied it."

"You and your strange comments."

This should be interesting, time to see if we are crazy or not. Makail thought as they started walking towards the room.

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