Chapter 3

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Chapter III an unwanted shift

"Let's just hope find out the purpose of this building this just seems to weird for it to be simply a random building." Hazel said looking into a room. The room had what seemed to be desks and chairs in a line facing towards a board but most had been overturned or having broken down due to time and neglect.

"I'm starting to think that this is a school of some sort and the people were sorta like us." Makail commented looking over Hazel's shoulder.

"You might be right but let's keep exploring this place to make sure that our observation is correct."

"Maybe a library will help." Makail said pointing behind him to a large doorway with lots of books behind it.

"Why didn't you just say that before we started contemplating about whether this was a school or not?"

"I just noticed it." Makail answered rubbing the back of his head.

"You can be so dull sometimes." Hazel said shaking her head walking towards the library.

At first look the library seemed small but once inside it seemed almost impossible to look through all the books, there was categorises between history, science, magic usage,history of the school,language,math and others but under those main categories.

"I think we should check out the history books and possibly the magic usage books." Makail suggested looking through a list of categories on the doorway.

"I like that idea but how are we going to find them in this huge library."

"They have the sections numbered off, they are pretty smart about their libraries."

"They seemed to be and the numbers seem to be 10 for magic usage 45 for school history and 30 for history."

"They really didn't care for their school history."

"Doesn't seem so." Hazel said walking through the halls of the library looking for the numbers that she had said.

"I'm going to go look for the other ones." Makail said going down another hallway. The books towered so high that there was a ladder in some places but other were within arms reach from the ground such as the small section of school history that seemed new but old at the same time. "The final book of history." "What a strange name, Hazel I found the books from one section." Makail yelled behind him. "I'm already here and got the other things beside the last book of school history."

"I think they're all in this section." Makail said looking over the shelf finding the book called "last book of school history". "So they are in two different books, how strange."

"I agree but maybe it'll explain why these rooms are so large." Hazel replied opening up the one about the school history going to the middle of it. "This says that the person know as akira came back, and due to her previously being here the rooms were already the right size for her companion, a gargoyle leviathan she called Hendricks that could when needed shift between human and dragon state."

"That explains why the rooms are so large but is it just me or does that name seem familiar." Makail commented. Looking through the other book in his hand.

"I do agree they do seem familiar but why?" Hazel asked herself pondering.

"I don't believe this!" Makail said suddenly.

"What is it makail?" Hazel asked startled by his sudden yell.

"Both of our names are in here."

"That can't be possible you're the only makail i've known." Hazel said surprised looking over his shoulder. But right there in fine print was both of their names, Makail said to be a hero and Hazel a friend that had been by his side. "But there can't be anyway that our connected dreams where actual us coming to here but if so how did we survive and how did we even enter that state, it just doesn't make any sense."

"I think this world just got a lot more strange." Hazel commented putting her hand on his shoulder.

"That is for certain, this is definitely something we are going to need to study after getting out of this place, and if the three realms this being one of them are the same place but in different points in time because if so how did we even enter this place." Makail said looking at her determination in his eyes.

"Let's be certain that this is the same place as that dream then."

"The mirror, that is how we can do it."

"Precisely, and I think I know exactly where it is."

"Let's get going then." They then left the library books in hand too the place where they thought the mirror room was. They ran through the maze of hallways till they reached the heart of the school, the place where the mirror was. "This is the place." Makail said looking through the black room that was no longer lit with light but instead was being lighted by the strange mirror in the center but the difference between this mirror and the one they had dreamed about was that this mirror was shattered but the shards were still held together. They then walked towards it and looked at the reflection it caused. The image of them was distorted as to be expected but what was strange about the reflection was what was shown, on Makail's reflection the image had half of him but the other half had a girl with a red eye, crow colored hair, a gray sweatshirt, dark gray shorts that was above their knee, a black shoe and pale skin. When hazel looked in the reflection hers was the same as Makail for how it reflected but half was her reflection and the other half was a girl that had a hazel eye, dark brown colored hair, a light gray sweatshirt, blue pants, a gray shoe and fair skin.

"This is stranger than I want it to be." Makail commented after seeing the reflections. "Things can be a lot more stranger if you would like." a voice said from nowhere but seemed everywhere. Then as if a ghost walked through him was a wind that blew through. His vision went gray and it seemed he was about to pass out but the feeling went as soon as it came. "How was that?" the strange voice said it was a voice that was a high pitched and almost manic.

"Who are you!" Makail yelled at the voice.

"I am you or soon will be." the voice answered laughing.

"Who are you talking too?" Hazel asked confused.

"No one I think this room is just getting to me." Makail answered trying not worry Hazel. Then an old memory flashed through his mind. The shift has begun.

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