Chapter 12

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Chapter XII a long wait ahead

"This is a documentation of the next 12 years, dialogue will be included along with actions, revisions should also be expected as this was done in pen."

Begin documentation

It had been a year now since makail had been put in the box, Larry effortless attempts to torture Makail as he did Karasil had been futile and failed every time. It usually ended with Larry gaining a few broken bones or at least a bruise or two. Makail conversated with Karasil about their past before Drath's arrival every once and awhile and what other weapons he could try on the glass out of boredom. He usually did a maximum of two a day. He gave himself a schedule of wake up an hour before Larry arrived so he was ready for his arrival after that he sat around while watching them work then after an hour to himself he usually went to sleep so he could be awake an hour before Larry arrived once again the next day.

"Once again your awake before I get here, how boring." Larry commented.

"Of course I am, I don't feel like being caught off guard by you." Makail replied.

"I've been doing this for over a year now and i'm getting tired of getting my bones broken."

"That was my intentions, nothing more nothing less."

"I've been doing things wrong that's all, I should have changed my tactics a long time ago." Larry then quietly opened that door and a shot rang out.

"You really are an idiot aren't you." Makail replied having blocked the bullet which was evident by the appearance of a scythe.

"No wonder you survived those attacks." Larry said sighing afterwards. "This is really starting to become pointless."

"You finally figured that out, congratulations."

"What about you and this glass, isn't this pointless?" Larry said tapping it.

"Yes but i'm getting out in awhile but you won't be around to see it."

"Your one to certainly talk." Larry growled.

"I am since i'm in a "prison" and your "free" if we put in simple terms." Makail commented smirking.

"You can think that but you're a test subject. That means you need to get shot!" Larry yelled before unloading the gun rapidly. Makail sat there the bullets lying around him.

"I think you need something like this." Makail said with a gatling gun on a tripod. But I have it empty currently. Larry then back out of the box and slowly closed the door.

"You are insane!" Larry commented before walking away, almost speed walking.

"Maybe I am but sometimes insanity is better to have then sanity itself."

After around an hour larry came back with the others from the squad, clarise had joined him, she seemed better which was good to see especially knowing her husband's personality. But someone seemed missing from the group.

"So what is on today's agenda?" Larry asked seeming to actually take the position of leader for once in the year they had been working.

"I think we should take a closer look at his blood and see if there have been any changes to it the past year." Connor suggested.

"Good idea, we should also see if what his weapon is made of, even possibly it's capabilities." Larry responded.

Mishiro then walked up to Makail and waved.

"Hey Mishiro is there something you need?" Makail asked.

"Is there anyway I could talk to Karasil?" Mishiro asked.

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