Chapter 7

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Chapter VII Goal out of reach

"We have her in sight." Connor said into a mic as the group sat on a train. The girl was sitting on a bus wearing what seemed to a gray dress now instead of the gown, it was as if she wanted to blend in with her surrounds and trying not to be found.

"Don't forget to distract her before sedating her. She'll run and she has to be distracted or she'll know she's being sedated, I don't know how she does it though." Garrison said into his own mic which passed into an earbud that was in of each of their ears.

"We won't forget, and i'll be the one that confronts her she's more likely to trust someone more friendly than someone who is impatient and aggressive." Connor said glaring at Clarise and Larry.

"Why don't you go and burn in an accident then." Larry said glaring back venom on his tongue.

"Don't wish for something that might happen to yourself." Connor said before walking over to CS.

"Hey there." Connor said sitting next to her.

"Huh? Who are you?" CS asked her voice soft and a little worried sounding looking up slightly to see who it was but looked down again once they saw.

"I'm Connor I saw you alone and thought I would talk to you, so what's your name?" Connor asked glancing to the group seeing if they were listening.

"Oh um i'm uh i'm Karasil." Karasil answered not looking up again.

"That's a nice name." Connor replied. It goes with the first two letters and how he said it.

"Why are you really here?" Karasil asked her voice changing strangely to a serious tone. "Nobody just randomly comes up to me, I've been on this train for a few days and your the first." She then looked at him without moving her head giving her the face of someone stern.

"There is always a first for something you know?" Connor replied smiling.

"That's not likely for me, firsts are always rare." Karasil answered her eyes never moving.

"Even unlikely events can happen you know." Connor said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Doubtful, especially with what I have been through" Karasil said having begun looking straight and moving his hand off her shoulder.

"Why are you so distrustful?" Damn she's perceptive. Connor asked smiling.

"Because you look like someone who wants to catch me." karasil said sitting up and looking directly at him. "Am I right?"

"What brought you to that conclusion?" Connor asked smile having not changed." Connor we're having to speed up the process she's become to perspective." Garrison said softly so only Connor heard him between the two. Then something flashed by his eyes before he could see what it was then there was a small scream and a thud as Karasil fell onto him. "Luckily we had that plan." He then carried her off the train once they stopped with the group following behind him. Nobody seemed to notice as all of what happened unfolded.

"You had a luckily break be glad we had that dart pistol that allowed your life to be easier." Larry said waving his hand around showing that he was the reason they got her.

"You know she would have definitely seen you coming and would have ran if you had talked to her." Connor said not turning head as to make sure he didn't drop Karasil. "I do feel bad for her, she's so small and seems so defenseless."

"That's the point, she's meant to fool people, but i'm not stupid enough to fall for that trick." Larry responded proudly.

"That makes you a prick you know."

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