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Ok guys, so I've gotten several comments and it looks like I'm writing a sequel! I'm super excited about that and after I get the hang of working on it, I'll try to work on a Loki fanfic.

Have a great day and enjoy the ending!
Natasha eyed the people in front of her warily. They were Wakandan warriors she knew, but it was still unnerving for someone to have been able to break into her apartment so easily.

"So just to be clear," she said quietly, knowing even she was no match for these three. "You want me to come to Wakanda? Why?"

"The king will explain once we are there." The leader, Okoye, said calmly.

Natasha sighed, contemplating any possible way that she could get out of this. Finding none, she resolved herself to this, and the likely possibility that T'Challa would kill her for letting Steve and James get away. "Do I have a few minutes to pack?" She asked, hoping for any delay in the inevitable.

"We have anything you will need in Wakanda." Okoye replied.

Natasha shrugged. "Then we might as well head out." Okoye nodded and Natasha walked out the door with the three warriors following closely behind her.
"Well I can honestly say that I didn't expect Back to the Future II in Wakanda." Natasha commented dryly as she caught her first glimpse of the city.

Okoye smirked. Whether she got the reference or not, she obviously understood that Natasha was impressed. "That's what happens when you build a city on vibranium."

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. A whole city made out of the same material as Steve's shield. Impressive, she thought to herself.

A few minutes they landed at the palace. "Agent Romanoff," a familiar voice called out as she walked off the plane.

"Prince T'Challa," she replied, inclining her head slightly.

"Come with me," he motioned for her to follow him, which she did rather reluctantly. Somehow she got the feeling that T'Challa wasn't in fact going to kill her for letting her friends go. But then why am I here? She wondered.

T'Challa showed her to a large room. "Your friend will be along soon." He told her, smiling, right before he walked out and closed the door.

"Friend?" She asked aloud. "If Stark walks through that door..." she muttered under her breath.

"You'll what?" Came a welcome voice. "Kill him?" Natasha whipped around and found Steve standing there.

"Hey Soldier," Natasha said warmly, though her heart ached a little as she said it, remembering when she could've just hugged Steve without feeling awkward.

"Now is that any way to say hello to your brother?" Steve asked. Natasha stared at him in shock. "Yeah, Tash, I remember."

And for the first time in years, Natasha let herself go, and ran over to hug her brother, her best friend. Steve hugged her back tightly.

"I missed you," Natasha managed to say into his chest.

"I missed you too, Tash," Steve said, sounding teary.

They stayed that way for a while, enjoying the friendship and camaraderie that Natasha had been afraid might be gone forever.

"Good to have you back, Cap," Natasha said when they finally broke away.

Steve smiled. "Good to be back."
Bucky experimentally flexed the new arm Shuri had made for him. Instead of silver, like his old one, Shuri had made it look like a real arm, matching his other one.

"Wow," he told her, trying to convey his gratitude towards her. Shuri and Steve had been helping him a lot the past few weeks since Shuri had discovered the cure for him. They'd gotten him cleaned up, hair cut, shaved, and now, a new arm. "It feels real."

Shuri smiled, knowing that he was having a hard time expressing what he was feeling. "It's got all of the feeling that your normal arm has. You'll be able to feel anything from the fur of a dog to the petal of a flower."

He grinned. It'd been a long time since he'd felt anything but a dull ache in that arm. "And during a battle?"

"During any kind of strenuous activity, whether punching someone or lifting furniture, it will feel more like your old arm. You won't feel any pain in it and the sense of touch will be deadened so as not to cause any sort of discomfort."

He nodded and smiled, admiring it. "Thank you," he told her, his voice cracking with emotion."

"You're very welcome. Now," she inclined her head towards the door. "Let's go get your girl."
Natasha stood by the bank of a beautiful river. Steve had dropped her off a few minutes before, giving her some excuse about going to get something. She chuckled to herself. She didn't know what Steve was getting, but she was sure she'd like it.

"Natasha?" A soft voice behind her asked. She turned around slowly, hoping that when she turned around, the person she wanted to see most in the world would be there.

And he was.

"James?" She asked, scarcely believing her eyes. It was him, and he looked more like himself than she'd seen in a long time. She ran to him, closing the short distance between them.

He picked her up, spinning her around a few times before slipping an arm around her waist, cupping her cheek with the other, and kissing her passionately.

Natasha slipped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers for the first time in too long.

Steve and Shuri watched the reunion from a distance.

"Think we should tell them to get a room?" Shuri asked teasingly.

Steve grinned. "Nah, we'll give them a few moments of peace. There'll be time for that later."

Shuri smiled. "It's nice seeing this happen after so many years."

"Yep. Never thought I'd live to see the day that the two of them would settle down."

"Are they going to settle down?" Shuri asked curiously.

As they watched, Bucky knelt on the ground in front of Natasha, pulling out a ring he'd gotten from who knows where. Even from a distance, they could see Natasha's eyes fill with tears as she nodded happily, unable to speak. Bucky got up off the ground, slid the ring on her finger, and proceeded to kiss her deeply again.

"Yeah," Steve said, a dopey grin spreading across his face. "I think they are."

*The End*

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