Can We? Or Is It a Maybe?

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A few minutes before

"Hey, Bucky?" Gemma asked, laying a hand on his arm.

He turned to her, a little bit uneasy. He didn't know why, but recently he hadn't liked hanging out with anyone except for Natasha, Steve, Peggy, and the other Howling Commandos. It was a little weird for someone as social as him.

"Yeah?" He asked, smiling a little in an attempt to convince himself he was having fun.

"Do you think we could go outside for a minute? There's something I want to show you."

"Yeah, no problem," Bucky told her, barely resisting from rolling his eyes. She probably wanted to point out constellations to him or something equally lame.

Once they were outside, she pulled him around a corner of the building.

"So what is it you wanted to show me?" He asked, curious now.

"This," she replied before pressing her lips to his and wrapping her arms around his neck.

He stiffened, and she giggled. He honestly didn't know why, but he didn't want to kiss her. Yeah she was pretty and all, but she wasn't Natasha.

She wasn't Natasha. The realization hit him. Was he really in love with Natasha?

Bucky heard a gasp and broke away to see Natasha standing there, tears in her eyes.

"James?" She whispered, hurt and confusion showing in her eyes.

"Natasha..." he didn't get any further before Natasha took off running in the opposite direction. "Natasha!" Bucky called starting after her.

"Bucky!" Gemma called.

Bucky turned back, only to find her giving a pouty face. That's off putting. "I'm sorry," was all he said though before running after Natasha.
Natasha ran into the forest until she found a secluded spot overlooking the nearby lake. She sat down, arms around her knees staring out at the lake.

Why did I think he would ever notice me? Natasha wondered miserably. Idiot. Love is for children. I should know better than to ...

"Natasha?" A soft voice interrupted her thoughts.

She looked up. Shoot.

Bucky stood there, looking embarrassed and worried. "Can I sit down?"

Natasha shrugged noncommittally and he sat down next to her, close enough that their arms were touching. She bit her lip to keep from crying.

"What do you want?" She asked softly, trying not to sound harsh. Just because he didn't like her like that didn't mean he deserved her scorn.

"Natasha," he whispered, gently using his fingers to turn her head towards him. "Look at me,"

Natasha, who had been avoiding his gaze, lifted her eyes to stare into his blue eyes. She bit her lip so hard she was sure it was bleeding now. Even so she could feel herself begin to tear up.

"Natasha, what you saw back there..." Bucky sighed, shaking his head. "I promise it wasn't what it looked like." She remained silent, waiting for him to continue. "Gemma took me outside to 'show me something'. I promise you that I didn't want to kiss her. What you saw was a stupid moment of indecision. I should have pushed her away immediately."

"I thought you liked that kind of thing." Natasha murmured quietly.

He looked at her in a way she couldn't describe, but that took her breath away.

"Maybe I did at one time." He admitted. "But I don't now." Before she could say anything, he closed the space between them, pressing his lips gently against her.

It didn't last long, at least not as long as she would've liked. When he pulled away, she couldn't help but sigh a little. Bucky smiled at her.

"James," she whispered. His lips were only a few inches away from hers, and she was barely able to keep herself from kissing him again.

"Natasha," he whispered, running his fingers gently through her hair. "I ... I love you."

"I love you too, James." She took a shallow breath and continued. "I've always loved you, ever since that first time I saw you in the alley. And so watching you date other girls..."

Natasha didn't get any farther before Bucky kissed her again, a little more insistent this time. Natasha gently placed her hands on his chest, before running her hands through his hair. Bucky responded by slipping a hand behind her head, pulling her ever closer. They eventually pulled away, both of their hearts beating a mile a minute.

"Should we be heading back? Steve will be worried." Natasha asked him, running a hand along his jaw line.

Bucky smiled, turning his head and kissing her hand. "I don't really care right now."

Natasha ducked her head, but slid a little closer to him all the same. The sat there for a while, his arm around her waist, her head on his chest, just enjoying each other's company.

"Well!" Steve said, breaking into their silence. "I honestly didn't think I'd see this when I found you two. I rather expected you to have decked Buck by now, Nat." He looked at them, puzzled. "Looks like you got everything worked out."

Bucky and Natasha stood, sheepish. Steve smirked at them. "Now do you want to join the party with the rest of us, or are you going to stay out here all night?"

"Stay," Bucky replied at the same time Natasha said "Coming,"

Steve chuckled as they glanced at each other with embarrassed grins. "Come on guys. We need to get back to the party before people...uh... start talking." He raised an eyebrow as the two of them began walking back to the party. But they hadn't gone too far before Bucky gently took her hand. Natasha almost giggled and she practically heard Steve roll his eyes.
"Good grief. I may just throw up." Steve muttered watching his two best friends act like lovesick kids.

Peggy bumped his arm gently. "I think it's sweet."

He grinned. "It is sweet." He glanced at them. "I just didn't think that Bucky would ever actually notice her. He's certainly been oblivious enough up till now."

"Well I think it's fantastic!" Gabe said enthusiastically, watching Bucky and Natasha with a huge grin.

"She certainly deserves a win." Monty agreed with a smile.

"Where's the rest of the guys?" Steve asked, searching the room. He had a feeling that they could either be in trouble or about to be.

"Dum Dum is flirting with the girl Gemma, Frenchie and Jim are having a drinking contest, and Bucky and Natasha are making cow eyes at each other." Gabe replied, obviously enjoying ratting on his friends.

Steve smiled and turned to Peggy. "So, Peggy, would you like to..." he motioned to the dance floor.

"I'd love to." She replied, taking his arm and teaching Steve how to slow dance.

"Well," Gabe said, surveying the room. "I think everything is right in the world."

Monty grinned. "That it is." As the night wore on, the music of the dance rang out through the dark, building hope in the weary soldiers and love between friends.

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