Jungkook looks up at him and smacks his chest, but not too hard, says, "Don't be so vulgar.."

Tae smirks, says, "Vulgar..? What about you...? 'Fuck me daddy'!"

Jungkook's cheeks got red from embarrassment, he looks back down at Tae's chest, says, "It just felt so good...I probably would have said or done anything you wanted me to do in that moment."

Tae smirks and pushes Jungkook onto his back and crawls on top o him. He buries his face in Jungkook's neck, says in playful tone, "Yeah..? I'll make sure and remember that for next time."

Jungkook reached up and draped his arms around Taehyung's neck. "Ugh I'm so embarrassed...why did I have to say that.." He whined.

Taehyung smiled against Jungkook's skin and snickered. "Don't be. I never thought I would ever hear something like that come out of your mouth. It was hot."

"You're the one who teased me and said you weren't gonna continue if I didn't say it..."

"Of course I would have continued...I just wanted to see if you would really do it."

"You're so mean.."

"Mmm...I'm sorry baby. It's just so easy to mess with you."

Jungkook tilts his head and opens his eyes as Tae began sucking on his neck, he says, "W-what are you doing?"

Tae stops sucking for a moment, says, "What does it look like I'm doing...? I'm marking what's mine." He pressed his lips back to his neck and continued sucking.

Tae pulls up as he was sucking until his lips popped off of his neck. He looks down at the reddish mark on Jungkook's neck, pleased. He says, "There, now people will know you're taken. Of course...not by who...but once they see that they'll know you're off limits." He leans down and gives him a kiss on the lips.

Jungkook smiled through their kiss, says after pulling away, "I didn't know your hickeys were a magical barrier to keep people away from me.."

Tae: "Well...if they don't work, my fists will."

JK: "You act so big and bad.."

Tae: "It's true." He says with a serious look on his face as he hovers over him, "I'm not letting anyone come near you. You're officially mine now."

Jungkook wraps his arms around Tae's neck, says, "But...what happens when our parents get back..? I know they would never approve.."

Tae thinks about it for a moment before he responds with a serious face, "We murder them in their sleep."

Jungkook chuckles and looks up at him. When he notices his serious face, Jungkook went quiet, his smile slowly fading.

After a couple seconds, a half smile crept over Tae's lips, he says, "I'm just messing around."

Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, says, "W-wow...don't do that. That scared me.."

Tae lifted off of Jungkook and pulled him close to him, says, "We'll figure things out when they get back. For now, let's just enjoy our time alone together. "

Jungkook holds onto Taehyung tightly. Tae caresses his back, says, "It will work out...and if for some reason it doesn't...just remember; no matter what, we have each other."

The two laid there, holding onto to each other for the next several minutes in silence. Jungkook closes his eyes, feeling a sense of comfort as he soon drifted off to sleep.

Monday Morning

(Jungkook and Tae in the shower)

Love a Bully ᯽ VkookWhere stories live. Discover now