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Pyrrha sat on the toilet looking at the positive pregnancy test, then a rumbling was heard from the sky. Pyrrha ran out and saw planes with large plus shapes on the wings. She saw men jump out and deploy parachutes some greenish gray and others with crimson. The green-gray must have been who her father was talking about, Germans, the crimson were definitely spartans. The men landed and set up an area of defense pointing guns at the students. Some of the Spartans saw Pyrrha and bowed, the Germans soon fallowing suit. Pyrrha walked towards them and they rose and Pyrrha waved for them to fallow her. She lead them to you and they set up a perimeter so no one could pass. Pyrrha kept 'interrogating' (torturing) the prisoner to get info with a German guard, she learned that Atlas was behind the attack and called her father sending the German back to his post. "Dad, two things", Pyrrha said, "one the assassin said Atlas was behind the attack, two...I'm pregnant" Pyrrha heard what sounded like cheering, but she couldn't hear over the sound of an engine, then a lot of screaming was heard from outside and Pyrrha ran out to see a lot of metal monsters with treads, she looked at the lead one, a panther, it had one black, one red and one yellow line horizontally and a Spartan flag. Several Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251 pulled up and soldiers poured out of them. Bion exited one with a man that had the same hair and eye color an (Y/N). She ran up to Bion and hugged him and started crying again. Ostwinds pull around the group of tanks and aim their guns at the people.
"Pyrrha my daughter, take me to (Y/N)" Pyrrha takes Bion to you and shows him the X-rays, a bullet is lodged in your heart. Bion looks at Hans
"You still have that number for the doctor correct?"
"Good, I need you to call him and get him here double time" suddenly the sound of large caliber machine gun fire is heard, Pyrrha looks out the window and sees planes with the Atlas symbol strafing the crowd and the Ostwinds protecting them. She goes back to you and falls asleep with her head on you.

Pyrrha Nikos x male spartan readerWhere stories live. Discover now