It's all too sudden! Pt. 1

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•Early words from the author•
This chapter may actually be good since I've had this planned my head. Anyways enjoy. And I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the extremely long wait but my mum took my phone. Anyways enjoy!       

Evan's POV no no no no no not now. The coach was still hanging on a small part of a cliff when Connor told me that his water broke. He had gone into labor.

"The bathroom is on the ceiling though"

"Get me somewhere. I can't hold them in forever you know!"

I looked around for the best secluded place in the coach but there was no space. I was dizzy now and wanted to be sick my breath quickened, then something came back to me.


"And if anything goes wrong, remember, I'm a midwife in training... I got dis..., "

I scanned the coach to see where Alana was sitting and lucky for me, I only had to whisper to get her attention.

"Psst Alana"


"Yeah we kinda have an issue on our hands"

"What? "

"You said you're a midwife in training. "

"Yeah I can do scans, tell the gender, identify what a good and bad heart beat sounds like-"

"Can you deliver? "

"... What"

"Can you deliver"

"Well I'm not really allowed to do that at my stage in training."

"That's what I need you to do though "

"Is he... Did his... "

I nodded slowly. Her eyes widened and she started to fiddle with her fingers twiddling them round and round in circles.

"Don't do that now... Connor's depending on you and your training. "

"This is really putting me to the test now isn't it. Alright well first we need to find a secluded area where we can start this."

The coach flipped over and fell another half a meter, the bathroom was on the floor now, the coach was right side up.

"Well... At least now we can get to the bathroom. "

Alana got up and helped me unbuckle Connor from his chair and helped me out too.

"Now just where are you all going??"

"Bathroom Mrs. Jonson"

"Why are the three of you going, and why are you dragging Connor there"

"Ummm.. You'll hear if you stay awake long enough. "

We dragged Connor to the bathroom and sat him down inside the bath tub. I locked the door and Alana put the curtain over him to give him some coverage.

"Ok well now we're her we need to figure the way were gonna do this. "

"He can't have a caesarian section"

"Which is what I wanted to do"

"Looks like it'll be a natural birth. "

"Con, you up for that? "

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