Footballer babies

18 0 2

•Early words from the Author•
Can I just say.. Majority of people my age will be able to relate to a certain part if this chapter.. I'm just sad that I'm not one of them... Hint:Fortnite... Ok ON WITH THIS STUPIDNESS!!!

Zoe's POV

We were supposed to go out like a family today but...well...Connor has been sicker than someone carrying a stomach bug and let's just say that the whole thing was cancelled... Connor was 7-8 months pregnant now and Evan was released from the hospital a few weeks ago.. I was downstairs with Evan's little sister in the living room helping her with homework since it was a Saturday, school had started up again and she needed help with her Chemistry homework when we heard Connor throwing up in the bathroom again...

"Poor guy"

"His morning sickness is getting the best of him."

"How do you prevent morning sickness anyway? "

"I believe its small, cold meals with little to no acid in them. So... Lemons would still cause morning sickness even though they're small and cold.."

"They're acidic."


We finished our homework and Connor came downstairs and flopped on the sofa

"Hey bud"

"You feeling better now??"

He tilted his head to face us, a mad expression covered his face.

"Sure, I'm great I mean I just finished throwing up everything I've eaten for the past WEEK BUT YEAH IM GREAT. IM NOT DYING CAUSE IF THIS OR ANYTHING!! HAHAAAAAAA AAHAHAAAA"

We sat there staring at him for a while whilst he rambled in about how much pain he was feeling until we managed to stop his rage.

"I-... I'm sorry"

"Connie it's OK."

"No its not"

He started crying

"*sniffle* I'm a hormonal mess"

"It happens to all pregnant people"

I sat back down next to Crystalline, who was playing Fortnite with her friends.

"Being 7 months you'd think you'd know how to--"

Someone was vigorously knocking at the door

"Who's that??"

Connor got up and answered the door only to be pulled out the door way.


I ran and pushed the door open to find that someone had engulfed him into a hug.

"Ummm... Excuse me.. But can you put my brother down."

"Oh sorry."

She put him down and walked inside after Connor, they both sat on the couch and talked. I just watched Crystalline playing Fortnite. And raging... Over and over again...

Connor's POV

I sat on the couch and my best friend Alana had sat next to me.

"So..  How'd you get this address... "

"Google maps"


"Yeeah, I can be quite the stalker"

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