Its the full moon! **Cue howl.**

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Tonight was the full moon. I was nervous. I decided, that I was going to skip  my classes for today, and draw. Then later on, I'll go to the Shrieking Shack, with a help of Oli and Jess. After a couple of hours of drawing, I got bored, and started playing with my guitar. I changed the guitar into drums. I didn't notice Mione, Jess, and Ginny walked in. "Lani!" "Lala!" "Oi! She wolf!" they kept yelling over the drums. "I can hear you, ya' know. I have super hearing. I can hear you whisper from miles away." I rolled my eyes.  They snickered, walking to their own beds. I changed the drums, back to the guitar, and set it on my bed. "So what happened today?" I asked Jess. "Well, nothing much, but Lupin didn't show to class today. Snape took his place today, saying he was sick." Jess answered. "What did he teach?" I asked. "Werewolves." Mione and Jess stated. My eyes widened. "Why?!" I exclaimed. "Well, I'll go talk to him now, I still have enough time before going to the Shrieking Shack." I said, grabbing my Black Veil Brides hoddie, and putting it on. "How is it, that you're one his favorite students, if your a Gryffindor? He hates all Gryffindor's!" Ginny exclaimed, putting the pillow over her face. "I don't know. We just... understand each other." I said. "Does he know your a werewolf?" Mione asked. I nodded. "You told him?" Jess asked. I shook my head. "He found out when he saw my claws." I said. "Oh..." they said. "Well, I'm gonna go talk to him. Bye." I said, waving at them. "I want an American accent like hers." I heard Ginny say. I smirked. I was walking down the hall, and then to the dungeons, where Sev's class is. I walked it, thinking only he will be there, but was wrong. "Hey Sev. The girls told me you- Oh. Hey Professor Lupin. What's up? Did I interrupt something?" I asked. "Sev?" Professor Lupin question, turning to look at Severus. "No idea." he said, sending me a look. I smiled sheepishly. "Well maybe I can come back tomorrow. Um, bye!" I exclaimed, walking towards the door, only to be stopped by Lupin. "No, no. I was just leaving." he said, grabbing a vile, with a blueish/ purple potion inside. Wolfs bane. I smirked at it. He notice me looking at it. He put it in his pants pocket, and walked passed me. Then I remembered. "Be careful tonight. Its the full moon." I said, smirking. His pace fastened. I turned to Sev. "I heard you were teaching about werewolves. Why?" I asked him, smirking. "Well you know how its the full moon, and I wanted to see if they know what to do, if they were with a werewolf in the same room." he said. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Really? Or is it that you want the class to know Lupin's, 'furry little problem', hmm?"I asked, smirking. He shot his head up, eyes wide. But realization went through his eyes. "You sensed it." he said, going back to grading tests. "Nope." I said, popping the 'p'. He looked up, confused. "Dumbledore visited me, a month ago. He gave me the heads up, so I can control myself this year, since I won't be the only werewolf in the school now." I said. He nodded, thinking through it. "Well, you should, go now. It's time for dinner." he said. I nodded. "What about you?" I asked, walking slowly to the door, waiting for his response. "I'll be there in a little." he mumbled. I nodded, walking out the door. I ran to the Great Hall, grabbing some food, and waited for Jess and Oli, in front of the woods. I heard a pair of footsteps walking my way. I turned around and saw Lupin, but he didn't seem to notice me. I ran to a tree, and started climbing it. He was looking around. His heart rate was out of control. He was walking inside the forest, more like sprinting. 

Jess and Oli finally came, holding hands. What the fuck?!  "Are you guys together?!" I exclaimed. They both blushed, but nodded. My jaw dropped. "When did it happen?" I asked them. "Two days ago." Oli said, smiling down at Jess. My eyes widened. "And you tell me this now?" I asked them. They nodded, looking down. "I'll yell a you guys later. Right now, I need to go to the Shrieking Shack." I said. The sun was setting. We all ran to where the Whomping Willow was. It was still. It didn't move at all. Not even when a bird flew by!  "Did you guys do that?" I asked them. They shook their heads. I told them to stay quiet, so I can hear the surroundings. I heard a heartbeat. It wasn't ours though. Then I remembered, that Lupin came by here. "Well, you guys should go. I'll be here, for the night, but I'll try my best to control myself, and come back." I said. I walked to the hole, and accidentally tripped over my feet, and fell. I landed on my back, with a thud. "Ow." I groaned. I got up, and walked down a hall. It led me to a door. When I walked in, I saw Lupin. He saw me, and his eyes widened. "What are you doing here?!" he exclaimed, getting mad. "Same as you! I need a place to form! Now don't scream at me, or I'll get mad, and no one wants a mad Lani!" I yelled. I felt a cool sensation in my eyes. I guess it turned electric blue. His eyes widened. "How did- when did this- Oh my god. It makes so much more sense." he whispered, sitting down. I felt my claws grow. I needed to let out a roar, or I might loose it.  And right then,  I let the roar go. It was loud, but I didn't do it to loud, so that Hogwarts can hear us. Lupin jumped at the sound. I started breathing heavily. "Drink the potion now! I have a feeling it will be a rough night." I said. His cheeks flushed. "Not like that!" I said, giving a low chuckle. He nodded, jugging down his potion. I started shaking. I heard a low moan. It sounded pained. I turned, and saw Lupin clutching his head. "Stay away from me." he said, but it sounded more like a growl. I walked towards him, grabbing his left hand. He tried to move away, but my grip tightened. I took some pain away from him. He looked down to his arm, and to mine. He noticed black veins showing out in my arm. I let out a low groan, making him look at me. But my head was hung low. I finally let go of him. "What did you do?" he asked me, holding my shoulder with one hand, while the other held my waist. The tingles came back, but this time I felt like I had a knot in my stomach. "I took some pain away." I said. His eyes widened. "Why would you do that? I was in a lot of pain." he exclaimed, bringing me in for hug. I tensed a bit, but soon relaxed, and hugging him back. 

I felt him start shaking. I tried to step back but his grip tightened on me. "Ow. Professor, please let go, you're hurting me." I mumbled. I finally got out of his grip, stumbling back a little. I looked at Lupin, and saw claws growing from his finger nail. I ran to him, trying to get his attention. "Professor! You have to calm down. Breathe! You are about to shift and you can hurt people at Hogwarts. Breathe!" I tried to mumble, but they came out louder then I thought. "I... can't!" he growled. "You need to think of something or someone that can hold you back. You have to try. Just breathe, and think." I said, hopelessly. He looked at me and did the unexpected. He grabbed the back of my neck, and smashed his lips to mine. My eyes widened at first, but I then found myself kissing back. He brought me closer to him. I felt his claws shrinking. So have mine. I felt my fangs go back to normal as well. Our kiss, soon turned to a make out session. I felt his tongue lick the bottom of my lips. I accepted immediately. I felt his hands go down to my waist, while mine go around his neck and up to his hair. His hands went to the back of my thighs. I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist. We pulled away to catch our breaths. I looked behind him, and saw a window, and it showed the sun rising. 'How long have we've been doing this?' I thought. I got down, and fixed my hoodie. We were still panting. "Um, well I better go. Uh... I'll see you... tomorrow." I said, walking out the door, not waiting to hear his response. I ran back to the castle, and up to the Gryffindor tower. I said the password and ran up to my dorm. It was around 5:00am still, so I just jumped on my bed, knocking out. But one thing was still in my mind. 

What the fuck just happened?

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