One bloody detention.

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I had a mad face all day, and it got worse when dinner ended. But as I walked to where detention would be held, I couldn't help but feel this tingle in the pit of my stomach. I know this feeling. But I really hope I'm wrong. As I walked in to the class, I saw I was the only one there. Why! Ugh! Idgets! Balls! Fuck it, I'm going in! As I walked inside, I sat at the very back. We don't need the new teacher to be teared to shreds now do we. He looked at me, and the same thing that always occurred. His heart rate increased. "You ok there, Professor?" I asked, loudly from the back. "You don't need to yell La- Ms.Conner. I'm fine." he said turning his back to me. I rolled my eyes. I got up quietly and walked to the middle seats. I pulled the chair and sat down, quietly, right when turned back to. At first he looked from the back, but then he saw me closer. His eyes widened a bit. "You know, that's the worst lie, you could've ever said, to a girl. 'I'm fine.' Biggest lie, ever." I said, looking up as if I was thinking. "Well what am I suppose to say." he nervously laughed. "Tell the truth." I said, shrugging. He looked at me, smiling. Genuine smile. I smiled back, making his eyes twinkle. "Do your eyes always twinkle when someone is smiling?" I asked him. His cheeks had a shade of pink in them. He looked down, trying to hold back a smile. "Um, yeah. They always do that." he said. But he lied. His heart rate skip. I raised my eyebrow, but left it like that. "Well, since I'm in detention, what do I need to clean?" I asked, looking around for anything to clean. "Actually, you're going to grade some papers with me. I have a lot of work, but with you helping, we'll will finish, at least the first and second years in no time." he said, grabbing the stack of papers, and handing them to me. I got up, and got them, accidentally brushing my hand with his. I felt a tingling sensation shoot up to my arm.

I went back to the seat. While I was grading some of the quizzes, I felt light headed. I felt something warm coming out of my nose, slowly. I lifted my hand, and touched it. I brought my hand back, and saw blood. I felt my eyes shift to electric blue. Werewolf form eyes. Shit! I looked down and pushed the papers aside. I got up, and went to the paper towels, that were in the back of the room. "Ms.Conner, everything alright?" I heard Professor Lupin ask. I nodded, not turning around. "Yeah, fine." I said, loud enough for him to hear. I heard him get up from his seat, and approach me. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. Right when he turned me around, my eyes change back to their original color. He looked into my eyes, but then at my bloody nose. His eyes filled with concern. "Are you ok? Has this happened before?" he asked me. I thought it through, not remembering any nose bleed in my past. I shook my head, and tilted it up. The blood was going through the paper. "It's probably nothing." I muttered, getting more paper and shoving it up my nose, not knowing what to do with it. I'm so confused. I can't get sick. Its impossible for me to get sick. "Don't do it so rough. You can hurt yourself. Here, let me help." he muttered the last part, removing the paper gently off my hand and dabbing it on my nose, soft and gentle. I looked up at him, and saw him concentrated on cleaning my bloody nose. But you can tell he was trying to avoid my eye, by the way his heart rate increased. I gave him a small smile. "Thanks." I said. He nodded, finally looking at me in the eyes. "No problem." he mumbled. I noticed he was still holding my face when he was cleaning my nose with his other hand. "You can let go now." I whispered, but suddenly not wanting him to let me go. He nodded. "Oh right." he whispered, nervously laughing. He let go of my face, slowly, still starring into my eyes. He hasn't even blinked! Well, I haven't either so... yeah.

"Um, let's get back to grading?" I said, but it sounded more like a question. He nodded, taking a few steps back, and turned around, walking to his desk. After an hour or so, he dismissed me. "Well, Ms.Conner, you may now go to your dorm." He said. I handed him the quizzes, and walked back to where my bag was. "Ms.Conner. Your detention for this week is canceled. I have to do something this whole weekend now that I notice." he said, nervously. Why is he always nervous? Like damn! I nodded, remembering he's a werewolf too. I smirked. "Alright, but you have to be careful this week. There's going to be a full moon." I said, adding a howl. I saw him tense up, and his eyes widened. "Um, yeah, f-full moon! I'll be careful. You should too. Don't stay out late. Don't need a student getting hurt." he said, avoiding eye contact again. "Actually, I was thinking of going into the Forbidden Forest and looking for a werewolf. It would be cool if I find one. I think it'll be hot too!" I said, looking up so it will seem like I'm thinking of it. "No!" he yelled, rising from his desk. I gave him a confused look, but was totally fake. "I mean, you can get hurt, and what will your parents say if they find out you were attacked by a werewolf. They'll blame the school." he said. I shook my head. "No they won't." I stated. "Yes they will." he said. "No, because my mom's dead and my dad is in Azkaban." I said. His eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that." he said, looking down. "Its alright." I responded, walking towards the door. "Well your guardian would be worried about you." he said. "I live alone." I said, walking out the door.

Broken hearts  (Remus Lupin)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα