I hate pity

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We all sat down. I saw the man, Mr.Lupin, passing out chocolate to us. He came to me and handed me a piece of chocolate. I declined. Now, I don't know about you, but I love candy. And chocolate, is one of my heaven, so it was really hard to decline the fucking chocolate. I looked at the others, and saw them eating the chocolate. I glared at them. "Seriously?" I asked them. They stopped chewing, and looked up at me. "What?" Ron asked me, and continued to chew on the chocolate. "Ever heard off 'Don't take candy from strangers'?" I asked them. The trio looked at me, then to Lupin. "Uh, I think I should go speak to the driver. I'll be back. Be careful." he said to us, walking out of the room. We all looked each other. Everything was silent, until Mione broke it. "How did you learn how to do that?" she asked me. "The Patronus?" I asked her. They nodded. "Um, you learn a few things, when you're in my shoes, everyday." I said, smirking.

They nodded. "Did you guys hear, like a scream? A lady screaming?" Harry asked us. We shook our heads. "No one screamed Harry." I said, rubbing his back. He just sat there, thinking. I heard footsteps coming our way. I looked up and saw Charlie for a second, but when I blinked, I saw Lupin. My eyes widen when that happened. He saw them widen. "Something wrong?" he asked softly. "I thought you were Char- Never mind." I cut myself off, mentally slapping myself. The trio looked up at me when the heard the first four letters of that name. They sent me sympathetic looks. "Stop starring at me like that. I hate pity." I growled. They nodded, avoiding eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes. I took out my wand. "Accio, guitar." I muttered. My guitar appeared, and was banging on the door. I smirked. Harry opened the door and my guitar flew to my lap. "Lani...Is that blood on your guitar?" Harry asked me. I looked at the stain and tried holding back a smile. "Um, lets keep that as our little secret." I muttered. Ron's eyes widened. "Did you hit someone hard enough to make them bleed again?" he asked. I scoffed. "For your information, I haven't hurt anyone in the pass two months." I retorted. "That's a first." Mione exclaimed. "Oh please. When do I hurt people?" I asked. "Don't answer that." I added quickly. I heard a low, deep chuckle. We all turned to Lupin.

Forgot he was here.

Later on, after we put our robes on, we arrived to the castle. I smirked. "What are you thinking?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw Lupin there. "Oh nothing. Just that, I have a feeling that this school year, will be crazy." I laughed. I heard footsteps running towards us. I looked behind him and saw the twins running towards me. When they reached me, Fred picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder, tickling me. "S-stop it F-fred! I didn't do a-anyt-thing!" I shrieked, laughing. I was squirming around, laughing, until I heard a 'Ahem.' We looked up, and saw an amused Lupin. Fred put me down instantly. George was laughing hysterically. I cracked my knuckle, causing him to stop laughing. The twins looked at me. "Is this him?" they asked me, pointing at Lupin. "Yup!" I said popping the 'p'.

Lupin looked at us confused. "What do you mean?" he asked. The twins and I smirked at each other. "Nothing. Just, watch out for your surroundings." I said, turning around and walking away, with the twins by my side. We walked in and walked to the Great Hall. We sat next to the trio and with Jess and Oli in front of us. Professor Dumbledore started his speech and I kind of tuned him out. A couple of minutes later, everyone was clapping. I looked around. "Why is everyone clapping?" I asked Fred. He looked at me and laughed. "They just announced the new DADA Professor." he said. I nodded. "And the one that will be teaching Care of Magical Creatures, will be Rebeus Hagrid." Dumbledore announced. The trio and I were the first ones to raise from our seats to clap and cheer. I think I was the loudest. Hagrid raised from the table nervously, accidentally moving the table in the process. We all laughed. I sat back down. Dumbledore spoke again, then we began our feast. I smirked at the food in front of me. I looked up and smirked at Ron. He looked back and had the same expression. Next thing you know, we are piling up our food in the plate.

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