Pranking Malfoy Part two

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"Morbiliarbus." I whispered, having the little wardrobe levated and moving to the boys dorm. Malfoy was the only one in there. I set it on the floor, having it grow back to its normal size. Malfoy noticed it, fear and confusion crossing his face, making the twins and I smirk. The door opened and out came the Boggart. The Boggart turned to... me? The twins started laughing. I was beyond confused. I don't know why he fears me, because I've only threatened him a couple times. Then Boggart me turned to my werewolf form. 'Ah shit.' I thought. Boggart me raised her claws at Draco, and that's where I really had to jump in. "Watch out!" I yelled, pushing him away, getting in front of the Boggart. Before it turned to my fear, I took out my wand and yelled, "Riddikulus!" Malfoy was in the corner of his bed, shaking in fear. I looked at the twins. "Take this back to Lupin's class, please." I muttered, feeling Malfoy's fear around me. They nodded,leaving with the boggart that was inside the wardrobe.

"How do you know?" I asked Malfoy. He looked at me confused at first, and then realization hit him. "I-I took a wild guess?" he said, more like questioned. "You saw something, didn't you." I stated. He nodded. "What did you see?" I asked. "I saw- I saw your eyes. They changed to a different color. Then I saw your claws. That probably gave it away the most though." he muttered. "It's always the claws!" I growled. I looked up at him. "You can't tell anyone Draco. Not a single soul most know, do you understand? Because if you tell someone, I'll make your life a living hell." I stated. He nodded, still shaking in fear. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I won't do any harm to you, just don't be on my bad side." I smiled at him. He smiled back too. "So, can you keep my secret? No matter what?" I asked him. "Yeah, don't worry about it." he said. "So am I the only one who knows?" he asked. "No. My friends know too."

"Can I ask you something?" he asked. "Sure." I replied. "What... what happened to...Charlie?" I froze at the question. I didn't think he'd ask me that. "Um, that would be for another time alright?" I said. "I'm sorry for asking Lani. It's just, I hear people say things, and I am not sure if they are true. So I really do not want to judge you from what people are saying." he rambled. "It's okay. But... I am just not ready to talk about it. " I said, standing up. I didn't even know I sat down. I helped Draco up as well. "I should go. My friends are going to be asking where I am." I said, walking towards the door. "Bye." he said. "Bye."

I walked back to the common room, not watching where I was going. I ended up bumping into something. I fell on my ass, frozen on the floor from shock and anger. "Watch where you are going next time, dumba-" I cut myself off when I looked up. Remus Lupin. "Oh, my bad Professor. I didn't see where I was going." I said, getting up. "My apologies as well. I too, wasn't looking." he said, looking anywhere else but me. I looked down, hating the situation I am in. "Look, Remus I'm sorry, alright. But what I did was to protect you. I am gaining my abilities back and it's going to be a lot to handle and I can hurt you. I don't want to hurt you, because it will hurt me too." I said, looking up at him. "But you don't have to go through this alone. I want to be there for you. To take care of you. I want to, wait, no I need to know that you are safe. I do not seem to know what it is but, you bring this side of me that no one has ever seen. You've seen my good and bad sides. Only my best friends have seen that, and they are all dead. I, what I am trying to say is, its that no matter how far you try to push me away, or block me out, I will always be there for you, through thick and thin." he stated. Next thing I know, his lips are on mine. I tried pulling away, but he wrapped his arms around my waist, making it harder for me to get out of this kiss. But I ended up kissing back. I brought my hands up to his hair, tugging on it a bit. His grip tightened. But it all came to an end when I heard footsteps. I pulled away quickly, looking towards where the footprints came from. Remus gave me an odd look. "Someone is coming." I whispered. I sniffed the air, to know who was coming. The persons scent smelled familiar, but I couldn't quite place it yet. After a couple more seconds, the person finally came from out of the corner. "Hey Lani, hows it going?"

"Oh my god."

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