Stupid dementors.

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I sat in my bedroom, drawing a pack of wolves, but one of them is stood out. It was the only one not howling at the moon. It would be looking straight at you if you looked at it. I checked my phone and saw it was time to leave. "Great." I muttered. A thought struck me.

'How am I going to live with out him during school, when he's the one that always calmed me down? Or what about the rest of my life?' I thought. "Stop it Lani! Forget about him, you're stronger then this" I snarled at myself. I checked the time, and saw it was time to go. I put the spare bags I was taking, in the trunk I was taking as well, and blinked out of there and appeared at Hogwarts Express. I saw my friends, Jess, Oli, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione, looking around. My guesses were, that they were looking for me, because the moment Harry laid eyes on me, he pointed at me, causing all of them to look in my direction. They all ran towards me, each giving me a hug. "Well hello to you guys too. What's wrong?" I asked them. "Nothing, we just really missed you." Hermione spoke quickly. "Um, ok." I said, confused. 

I walked up to the train, having someone take my trunk, and put them on a carriage, with a skeleton like horse...ish. "Huh, never saw that." I muttered. I saw Fred, George, Oli, and Jess walking to a compartment.  I followed, and saw there was no room for me. "Well thanks guys. Love to know you care. I'll just go with the others, and see if they saved me a seat." I glared playfully at them. They laughed. "Sorry love." Jess said, still laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked to where the golden trio went. I slide open the door, causing the three of them to jump. "Boo." I said, walking in, noticing man sitting on next to the window, asleep. "Who's the guy, with the mustache?'" I asked them. "R.J. Lupin." Hermione said. I nodded. "Oh, its right in his suitcase."I laughed. I sat in front of Harry. "Why aren't you with the twins, Jess and Oli?" Harry asked. "What?! Do you not what me, the trouble maker of the school, the most popular, boy crazy, fantastic girl from school, to sit with you?" I joked. "Well she's not wrong Harry." Ron said. Mione and I laughed. "Well to bad anyways, because I'm staying here. Unless, you want me and the twins to put you on our prank list." I smirked. His eyes widen. "NO! Not again." he exclaimed. That caused all of us to laugh. "Well guys don't mean to be rude," I started, taking my IPod and headphones out. "But I'm going to block the world for a bit." I said. "They nodded. "Its ok Lani, we're ok with it." Mione said. I nodded. "Thanks." I shoved my skull headphones in my ear, but not to in because I have a feeling something will happen soon. Then I heard the trio talking about... Sirius Black. 'Why are they talking about him.' I thought. I took one head phone off, causing them to stop talking, and look at me. "Why are you guys talking about him." I sneered. Their eyes widened. "How did you hear?! Your volume was so loud, I can make up the words of what they're saying!" Mione exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "First, did you guys forget about my 'furry' problem? And second, don't change the subject, when its something this serious." I gave a low growl, feeling my eyes shift to black. 

"Ok, sorry just, please don't be mad. You are very terrifying, and its not even the full moon." Ron whispered, scared. "Sorry. My anger has been getting the best of me since...Charlie." I muttered, tearing up. "Oh Lani, its ok. We might not know how you feel, but it will get better." Mione reassured. "Don't lie to me Mione. I hate when people lie to me." I said, looking out the window from afar. "So why were you talking about Sirius Black?" And then we spent hours on talking of, how he escaped and that he's going after Harry. "I won't let nothing lay a finger on any of you. Do you understand me." I said. They nodded. Next thing you know, the train stopped. I got up and looked out the window confused. "We can't be there yet." Mione said. Ron came to my side, and looked out the window as well. It was dark out so we couldn't see much. But I know, that we saw something get on the train. Next thing you know, its starts getting cold. I turned around and looked at the door. I saw a cloaked figure in the other side. "Get behind me. Now!" I barked. They got up, and ran behind me. I took out my wand. The thing, no, the dementor slid open the door and approached, or floated, to us. It looked at me and froze for a second. I felt a new presence beside me. I raised my wand at the dementor. I heard a thud behind me, but didn't turn around. "Expecto Patronum!" I shouted, thinking of my happiest moment. A silvery white light came out from the tip of my wand. It grew bigger, until a huge wolf came out, and chased the dementor away. I put my wand down and shoved in my pocket. I turned around and saw Mione and Ron trying to wake Harry up. My eyes widened. "Harry!" I exclaimed. I crouch down and picked Harry up, and set him on the seat. "Harry. Harry waked up." I growled. I turned around and saw a man behind, watching. "Well don't just stand there." I growled. "Do something." I barked. He nodded, walking to Harry's side. He inspected him. "Let him wake on his  own. He will awaken soon. No need to worry." he said calmly. 'HOW CAN HE BE FUCKING CALM!' I shouted in my head. I turned to the others. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. They nodded. "How do you feel?" the man asked. "Like... I would never be happy again. Its like it sucked the happiness out of us." Ron exclaimed. I gave him a confused look. "I didn't feel anything." I muttered. But they all heard. "How did you not?! The feeling was horrific!" 

"I just didn't ok." I snapped. They jumped. Even the man. "Sorry." I muttered. I looked back at Harry, and saw him stirring. I jumped up and launched to the seat next to him. I heard a low chuckle. "Harry?" I asked, softly. 

"Lani?" he mumbled. 

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