(Edit: Looking at the backstory, I can see there's a valid explanation for this, so you're good.)

and not getting proper nutrition.

Wait, if that's the case, wouldn't she be more fit with more nutrition? I mean, think about it. Most of the other NightWings were raised on a volcanic island, with barely any food or water, and with their air tainted heavily with volcanic ash and fiery smoke. However, a dragon that grew up with fruit to eat, proper air to breathe, natural sunlight and drinkable water, I think, would be more fit than the average NightWing. At the very least, Starsong would have a rounder and bigger belly.

Her left wing is actually a bit smaller than the right, and the membrane is slightly torn, due to falling out of a tree when she was younger, making it hard to fly.

Nice detail, actually. I can imagine that makes her flight a little wobbly?

She has tiny silver speckles across her face, like freckles, and her scales have the faintest ombré affect, fading from a very dark purple at her head, to a shade lighter at her tail. Her under-wings have the normal NightWing stars, hers seem to form flower shapes, and are almost white, with the tiniest hint of purple. Her eyes are a darker purple than her head scales, they almost appear black, but in the right light, one can tell they are, in fact, purple, and they always shine with curiosity and joy. She has no major scars, other than the tear in her wing membrane, and a couple scrapes across her scales from tree branches.

Alright, I can imagine her pretty clearly. She seems like the kind of dragon with accessories, like she seems like a flower-crown type of gal. Maybe you wanna add that in? Just a suggestion, of course. She just seems to be the kind of dragon to wear something like a flower crown.

Queen She Supports: Queen Glory

Makes sense.

Personality: Star is a joyful girl, who just wants to see everyone else happy. Her heart and mind act as one, though, unfortunately, that dulls her senses in the matter of trust. She is very gullible, and believes EVERYTHING, which lead to some teasing when she was much younger, mind that she wasn't aware it was teasing, and still isn't to this day, but that stopped after they realised she wasn't scared of the monsters, she just wanted to find them. She has very high curiosity, and is always determined to find something new, and fascinating, to show her adoptive parents, and her siblings.

Star is also very bright, as her inquisitive nature means she's desperate to learn more, and she most certainly does.

Hmm. Because of the whole gullibility and believer of everything, she doesn't seem to be the brightest in the world. Maybe she knows a lot based on books, but when it comes to actually doing something in order to learn it, it's hard for her? Like math? I don't know.

I just suggest that maybe she's only bright in certain areas, while she's not the best in others.

In her time at JMA, she managed to be one of the top students, particularly in history, her most beloved subject.

I hate history, but that might just be because history's boring to me lmao

I mean like, there certainly are the must-knows in history, but there are a few things that are taught in history that is extremely unnecessary and useless to one's education. Like, who needs to know what that one historical figure's fourth wife's 255 letter name was?

She can often be found attempting to catch frogs to study, or any creature really, she has a pet Gila Monster she found on one of her expeditions to discover creatures. His name is Scalene.

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