Chapter 4: Pure Luck

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Da da dunna da. That was the noise I heard as I woke up. I was on a strecher bed. "This mew's health has been fully restored. Hope to see you again" I heard a woman say. I looked up to see nurse joy talking to Mark and Mia. I flew out the door of the pokemon center and the two soon followed me. "Hey wait" Mia yelled. Mark blocked my path and said "hey we just wanna talk". I stoped. "What?" I managed to say through telepathy somehow. "Can I catch you" he asked. "No" I imedantly replied. "Can I!" Mia shouted. "No" I replied again. "Why not!" they both said in sync. "Because you can't!" I said. "I think we got off on the wrong foot" they continued "I'm Mark. "And I'm Mia! We're twins. Im obviously the older one" she bragged. I just started to fly off. "Hey! Its rude to not introduce yourself!" Mia yelled. I gave her a face of disaproval."Mia how many wild pokemon have names?" Mark said. "....Oh!" she said as she finally realized what she said made no sence. "I'm Luke...." I said. Mark stared in shock. "Turns out Mr. Know it all is wrong!" she shouted. "Wait a sec..." Mark sat there stunned for a momment. "You said your name was Luke, but... About last week when I challenged the fighting type gym the gym leader couldn't battle me yet because she had someone named Luke scheduled... But a pokemon can't challenge a gym unless it has a trainer". "..." I sat there staring at him in silence. I was currently fighting to tell the truth or not to them. "Well you see..."I sighed " I'm not really a pokemon". "What!?!?!" Mia yelled at the top of her lungs. I could tell she always did this because after that she was coughing so hard it was louder than a air horn. "You appear to be a pokemon... Perhaps explain" he said like he was a detective. I explained everything that happened beginning from the bet and up to now. "Oh so thats why you don't want us to catch you!" they shouted in sync once more. I was already regreting telling them the truth. Well at least they weren't gonna attempt to catch me. It was probally pure luck that I made it this far through the day. I looked up to the sky and saw the sun still shining bright. "I have alot of time to go" I sighed.

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