Chapter 2: The beginning of a long day

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I woke up, but not inside my tent.
I seemed to be on the damp floor outside. I know i'm a wild sleeper, but I never knew I would get this bad to where I wake up completely somewhere else. "Finally your awake" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see the shiny mew from yesterday except there was something off... Mew was about the same size as me and she didn't appear to be speaking through telepathy. I just now noticed I was floating. "O-oh no" I said as I floated over to a nearby lake. I looked into the lake and my reflection was no longer a human. I was now a mew. "Yea and also trainers always come to this forest to train sooooooo" she continued "...Yea". "You Monster!" I yelled. "Well thats what the mon in pokemon stands for, right?". I gave her a death stare. "Wellbye!" she quickly said as she flew off. Now I didn't know what to do. I sat down on the damp grass. I sat there for like two minutes before I got completely bored. "Ugh. And you would expect being a pokemon to be instresting" I mumbled to myself. Suddenly I heard some voices approaching. I floated above the scene to see a boy and a girl walking through the forest talking about something. "We still haven't found a pokemon here yet!" the girl complained. "Chill Mia. We'll find one eventually" the boy said.  The boy looked up into the sky where I happened to be and he spoted me watching their conversation. "Oh my god... IS THAT A MEW!?!?" the boy shouted. "WHAT WHERE!" Mia shouted. I didn't know what to do. What would a pokemon do at a moment like this. If only I could disappear or something. As if I asked for enough my body vanished from plain sight. Mia, still looking around said "Mark, I think your just seeing things". "NO I SWEAR IT WAS THERE!" Mark shouted as he pointed where I once was before I disappeared. "Sure" she said beggining to walk off. He was obviously pissed off. He threw a rock at a tree like it would acually do something. He stomped off in the direction Mia went in. I could now see my body become visible again. "Phew. That was a close one" I said in relief. "So how does it feel?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see mew staring at me. "It acually wasn't that hard at all" I replied. "Ha! That was only the first two trainers you encountered in this forest". She smiled. "Good luck" she said as she vanished in thin air.

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