Chapter 1: The Bet

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The sunlight shined through the trees as I walked through Mythical Forest looking for a thunder or grass type pokemon that could help me beat the water type gym so I could get my final gym badge and enter the dehelie league. The forest was awfully quiet this time of day for some reason. Everytime you want to encounter a Pokemon they don't appear and when you don't want to encounter one they appear anyways. Finally the grass rustled. I threw a pokeball directly at the patch of grass and the pokeball absorbed the pokemon inside. The pokeball shook once. Twice. The pokemon escaped. I sighed, but as soon as I saw the pokemon my jaw droped. A shiny mew came out and using telepathy it said " Its quite rude to just throw a pokeball at a pokemon without its premision!". "..." I stared at the mew still shocked by my sight. If it was rude to just throw a pokeball I would lower its health and then throw a pokeball. "Go Tysplosion!" I yelled as I sent out my fully evolved starter pokemon. "Ok lets see who im battling today.." said a booming voice. I stared at Tysplosion like he had just throw a pokeball at me. "W-what...?" I turned my head to mew. "Yea. Whenever a human is listening to me speak through telepathy another pokemon could end up joining the communication" Mew gave a sly smile and I just gave it a death stare. "He thinks hes all that huh" I said nudging Tysplosion in the arm. "I'm a girl acually for your information" the mew said in an obviously annoyed voice. "Tysplosion use flamethrower" I said. He quickly sent the flame move towards the mew. She dodged it and said "don't you have something better to do?". "Nah, not really" I said as I sent a pokeball flying. The mew dodged that too and said "How would you feel if someone tried to make you their slave!?". "Well I don't know how that feels and I probally never will. Its not like you could make me a pokemon or something" I responded. "Well acually..." mew continued "I could do that. How aboit this! You go one day as a pokemon without being caught. If you don't get caught you get to catch me. If you do get caught you stay a pokemon and you have to follow your trainer like a good pokemon would". "" I replied after a long pause. "Then its settled. Your day as a pokemon starts tomorrow. Good luck" she said with a little smile as she floated off. "Seems like crap dude" Tysplosion said with a frown on his face. "It'll be fine" I said as I retreat tysplosion. It got dark out so I set up my tent and slept in my sleeping bag.

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