Jackson, who was half listening to Stiles's rambling, felt his stomach drop when Stiles talked about being hurt and alone without Scott, and was about to pad back over to his mate to comfort him when he picked up the sounds of rustling and branches breaking from his left. Jackson stopped moving and spun in the direction of the noise, growling when he heard two different sets of steps, Jackson really hoped it was the pack but one whiff of their scent told Jackson otherwise.

"–Like I can't believe him, he thinks he can just parade back into my life like nothing happ— Jax! What's up?" not realizing that Jackson had stopped moving in the middle of his rant, Stiles accidentally stumbled into the wolf who was currently growling into the bushes and stood protectively in front of Stiles. "Hey, is somebody there?"

Jackson didn't answer and pushed Stiles further behind him, body coiled and alert. Was it Scott or one of the pack?

Stiles stood from behind Jackson's tense form, watching the bushes part to reveal two figures. Stiles wasn't able to tell who it was from where he was standing, the lack of light shielding them in the beginnings of darkness. He stared wide-eyed as the two bodies moved out from under the shadows and came face-to-face with the Alpha twins.

"Oh god, what the hell?! Are we going to die? I am not ready to die? Well, I kind of was before ya know, but I'm perfectly fine now and would greatly appreciate not being shredded into pieces. So, please leave us alone. Please?" the twins shared a glance between them before turning back to Stiles, both sporting malicious grins on their faces and took a step forward, taunting Jackson and laughing when the other werewolf growled at the two as Stiles moved to take a step back. "No? Why not? I mean we didn't come here looking for you. We just wanted a walk— lovely day for a walk isn't it, ahaha."

With every sentence, Stiles took a step back with Jackson moving along to create distance between the two parties. "Aw, is the wittle human scared? Well, you should be. What do you think Aiden, should we kill him? Maybe that'll teach McCall not to mess with us."

Ethan sneered, flashing his fangs at Jackson and Stiles, eyes glowing a deep blood red. Stiles shivered in fear when Aidan's eyes also turned red, he was certain they would rip Stiles to pieces if they caught him. "What the fuck! Scott doesn't give a damn about me, let me go. I'm here on my own terms."

The twins continued as if Stiles hadn't said anything, instead choosing to move closer to close the distance between them. After an intense game of push and pull, the twins were standing a mere few feet away, cackling at the scent of Stiles's fear in the air. Jackson, hating the putrid scent of his mate's terror, stood his ground, standing at full height in his fully-shifted form. "Hey bro, maybe we should kill the wolf instead, it might be part of McCall's pack. I didn't even know they had a full-shift."

"NO! DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Despite being threatened earlier, the only life that mattered to Jackson was Stiles and the hell was he going to let his mate try to protect him. Stiles was snarky, passionate, and caring, but he was also fragile, human and he could get hurt easily. Jackson didn't think Stiles was weak, but at this moment, it was obvious who was at more of a disadvantage. Anything could happen if the Alphas jumped and he was going to do his best to make sure Stiles escaped out of here alive.

"You're right E, maybe we should kill them both, a human and a wolf. McCall won't be able to ignore us then." Jackson kept growling at them every time they mentioned killing Stiles and moved towards them, snarling and baring his teeth at them. "Look, he's mad. He doesn't want us to hurt the human."

"Maybe we should kill him instead, maybe he'll go rogue. What do ya think?" They both laughed as Jackson's growls became louder and more aggressive. Their laughs sounded too carefree, as if this was some kind of game... out of nowhere it dawned upon Stiles, this was a joke to them. The twins coincidentally found them in the preserve the one day they decided to go; a wrong place, wrong time. Just their fucking luck, Stiles thought. During his realization, Stiles finally noticed Jackson was now much closer to the twins, keeping Stiles far behind him and out of sight after Jackson had shoved him to hide behind a tree.

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