Part 17

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I woke up to a text from George.
George : "Morning gorgeous, I hope you all have fun at the party after work. I'm in the studio with the boys all day so if I don't answer that's why. Lyl x"
Me : "Morning, thank you G, I completely forgot about the party!! Have a good day recording xx"
George : "At least you remember now aha, don't miss me too much xx"
Me : " It's a bit late to say that :( love you baby xx"
I started getting ready for work, I worked in top shop so I could wear anything really today I just put on some black ripped jeans, a cropped top from plt with my black vans which yes I did wear most days. I had to leave and the girls hadn't woke up so I left a note for them reminding them I was at work and that we had our college leaving party tonight. I left it next to their phones so I knew they would see it.
Work seemed to drag so much. It had felt like much longer then a 6 hour shift by the time I had finished I got the bus home. I was surprised to see that the girls had actually strarted getting ready by the time I got back. They had already done their hair and make up so I got them to do mine because they were really good at it and tbh I was lazy. We all put our dresses on. It was funny because Megan sent a photo to the boys on the group chat to show them, what they were missing, they were so cute bless them.
We got to the party and the first thing we did was get drinks, it was a party after all. We also took a lot of photos all night as it was the last time we were going to see some people before we left college. I feel sorry for the people I was talking to towards the end though, I guess you could say I had too much to drink. Me and Millie were both messes, Megan was the sensible one I guess and she didn't drink as much so she had to look after us, we weren't that bad... we were just hyper and then emotional af oops. We just got a bit carried away and let our hair down a bit too much. I'm sure we all had some great conversations though as we all continued the conversation from last night and just laughed at everything that we each said. We all missed the boys so much and it wasn't as bad as last time but being away from g made me feel lost. We all said night on the group chat and I had a talk to George before I went to bed. I was scared of saying something stupid as even though I was a bit out of it that was one of my fears with anything but the girls knew that and made sure it didn't happen. Before I went to sleep George told me about how they wrote a new song today. We were so excited to hear what the boys had been working on as they have come so far.

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