Part 14

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George POV : We did end up eating the pasta even though we weren't that hungry in the end. Then we watched some more Star Wars in bed but I wanted to take Hannah somewhere before she went home.
George said it wasn't anywhere exciting so I just put some leggings on with Gs hoodie (which was now mine) and he just had jeans and a top on. I wondered where he was taking me, especially as I saw George had a text from Blake saying "everything's gonna be fine bro x" Like can someone please tell me what this is about? All I knew was that George told me we were going for a walk. I was skeptical at first as he knows I hate walks but he promised it wasn't going to be long.
We started walking and ended up at the top of this massive hill, well according to George it wasn't but oh well. The view from the top was stunning, I'm ngl we took a lot of instagram photos. George was already more than a good enough view though, I don't know why he brought me here but it was so peaceful.
George POV : We both sat on the bench and took in the view the sun was setting soon so it looked even better then normal. I love coming this place it's so good to write songs, but I love this girl more. We had a laugh and took loads of photos. Hannah has made me so happy and the boys have been so supportive the last few days I wanted to do something for the both of us. I stood up to take in the view and she followed me.
"Look Hannah we should talk" George sounded so worried I'm not ready for this to end. "Yeah I'm sorry I know we can't be.." he stopped me speaking. "Will you go out with me Hannah? I know we haven't known each other that long but it feels like I've known you forever and..." "George Stephen Gresley Smith, how could I say no!?"
George's POV : Before I could say anything her lips were on mine. I guess it was the other way round this time I was so happy she said yes and now I can officially call her mine, whether we're together or not.
I was so happy, we were both shit at relationships and stuff but I'm am so excited for this. It was getting cold so we decided to go home but we had such a good night, it was so good knowing we both feel the same way and he wasn't going to let me down slow, at least not tonight.

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