Thank you

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It was the next day and we woke up by knocking at the door.

Me: I'll get it.

It was George.

George: Hey, are you guys nearly ready? Only were going down to breakfast and we've got to leave in an hour.

Megan came to the door.

Megan: Hey whats up? Ohh its 10 aleady...

George: It's ok we can bring you some breakfast out but at least we know your awake now haha. You might wanna get changed though and check you have all your things.

Me: I take it my pjs aren't good enough?

He knew I was joking and laughed. We kissed before he left to go down to get breakfast with joe and the boys.

Millie: Get a room guys or at least do something useful!

I think Millie was abit tired, but George did go and we could sort ourselves out. We threw some comfy clothes on and checked our bags. I'm sure mine had more stuff in than it did before? I guess I just underestimated how much I had packed. We had all finished and went down to meet the boys in the lobby.

Blake: Are we all ready? Our cars are outside.

Yeah we all said. What does he mean though our cars? I thought we were all getting in one to the train station? Everyone hugged each-other saying good bye because we were going our separate ways for a while or that's what I thought at least. Millie and Megan each got into separate cars, Millie with Blake and Megan with Reece, but why when none of us really lived that near eachother? I mean I wasn't complaining about being with George. We got into our car.

Me: George, whats actually happening?

George: Well, me and the boys have been thinking and we really wanted to spend more time with each of you individually and I was wondering if you would like to come to my house. Its also my dads birthday tomorrow so were having the family over and something would have been missing if you wouldn't be there.

I gave George the biggest hug and maybe a little kiss... I kind of couldn't help myself after what he had just told me, he made me so happy.

Me: Are you being serious and is that ok with your parents? Like I don't have many spare clothes and I don't want to ruin anything, but I'd love to come.

George: Yes, yes and that's sorted, you can thank Millie and Megan for putting more clothes in your bag this morning and you definitely wont ruin anything, my parents like you and they said you should come. The boys decided to tell Millie and Megan about going to theirs but I wanted to surprise you.

Me: Thank you so much. That's why you've been acting strange and I'm not going crazy thinking I have a heavier bag because I actually do. You guys are the best.

George lived in London so we didn't have the long journey I expected, it took about 40 minutes to get to his from where we were staying. I wouldn't have minded if it was a long journey though. I had George next to me and he could make anything better.

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