Part 11

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We arrived at his, his mum opened the door. It was so lovely to be here and meet G's mum and dad properly. We took our bags into Georges room and went into the garden so everyone could catch up and we could have a proper conversation. It wasn't the healthiest option but we all decided to get a dominos for dinner. It was getting late but we were just talking loads and we decided to go inside, me and George went upstairs. He was shattered after the tour so I didn't want to keep him up. He was so cute though when he was tired. We kissed goodnight and he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. I wish I could've though, I just had so much on my mind.

The next day it was Georges dads birthday so whilst he was at work we helped Natasha get some things ready for later when G's family were coming round for a BBQ. George is so excited for me to meet his cousins he thinks we'll get on with each-other well. I can't wait to meet them either I must admit, I hope they like me as I know how close George is to them. It was around lunch time when me and George took Toffee and Phoebe for a walk, it was cute as we just went through the woods, it was annoying when George kicked leaves up at me though. I wouldn't have been as bothered if I hadn't washed my hair in the morning, but I got on with it. We ended up getting lost which was quite funny we were sure we knew which direction we had come from but apparently not so we had to walk round to find some signal and get maps up. By the time we got back to G's dad was back, we had an hour to get ready before everyone came but the food that was already prepared smelt lush and made us want people to hurry up. We both made our selves look a bit better but wow George doesn't even have to try. 

George POV: Me and Hannah had just got changed and tidied our selves up after our walk but when I saw her I couldn't control myself. Her eyes were gorgeous and I could see right into the sparkle in them, I couldn't resist any longer.

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