What's wrong with you!?

Start from the beginning

"There's not really much time to plan anything with the Galra. We usually just struggle." You said honestly. And it was true. You usually were struggling until you found a way to beat them. You didn't really plan for anything. But then Keith's rude tone interrupted you. "Speak for yourself, I'm doing fine." He just bluntly stated. And you felt like your heart sank to your stomach. You felt somewhat taken aback. Just as you were about to accept your feelings for him, he started acting rudely.

"Keith. We're a team. We're all struggling." Shiro said to him with a firm tone. And just then Keith glanced at you, seeing your disappointed expression. He seemed to flinch a bit, reacting to how you were looking at him, before averting his gaze quickly. "I didn't mean it like that..." He said his voice a bit timid. But it was too late. "No, it's fine." You answered him with a cold tone. And he seemed to clench his arms even more tighter to his chest.

"Paladins, we will arrive to the Karthulian system in few Vargas. Be ready at your Lions by then." Coran said, interrupting all conversation. And that's when everyone started to make their way out of the control room. Except you. And while the others were leaving, you still glanced at Keith who was walking out seemingly glum.

"Coran. Could I go see Allura?" You asked him when the others had left. You wanted to go see Allura, to make sure she was alright and maybe cheer her up. Even though you weren't feeling that good yourself at the moment. But you knew she wasn't good at staying still, so a day in bed might be agony to her. "Of course. Just don't take too long. She needs her rest." Coran gave you a permission. And then you left the control room too.

Soon you knocked on Allura's door. "Come in." Her faint voice was heard from inside the room. And you opened the door. You had never been in her room before. And it was much larger than yours. But hey, she was the Princess, you were just Paladins.

As you entered the room, you saw Allura on the bed, under the sheets, her mice fast asleep on her pillow. She looked pretty tired, but still gave you a small smile. "How are you feeling?" You asked her while walking next to the bed.

"I'm fine, just tired. The ceremony is not usually that demanding, but the Balmera was in such a bad shape." She explained as you sat on the edge of her bed. And you knew that she had done so much for the Balmera. With the help of the castle and the Balmerans, she really did revive a whole living planet. What strength she possessed.

But then Allura suddenly turned the question on you. "How are you?" She suddenly asked. And you looked at her puzzled. Did it seem like something was bothering you? "No, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me." You tried to smile, not wanting her to question you. "(Y/N), you are a part of the team. Of course I worry about you." Allura still added.

"Well, there has been something on my mind lately. But it's nothing for you to worry about." You laughed a bit nervously. And she looked at you, her smile soft. And suddenly it felt like she could see through you. Suddenly you felt bare.

"So, Coran is sending us to the training grounds." You tried changing the subject as you didn't want the attention on you. "I know. You need the training." Allura said, still smiling. "I know we do. I feel like I'm still trying to find my place in the group." You confessed to her without thinking.

"What do you mean?" Allura suddenly looked at you curiously. "I feel like I'm not much help when we have formed Voltron. Everyone has these power ups, and I'm the only one who can't pretty much function in where I am." You started to explain. But when you saw Allura looking at you with sympathy in her eyes, you suddenly felt like you had said something wrong and tried to correct it. "I just mean that I'm not sure yet what part do I play in all of this." You tried to smile, but ended up just sighing.

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