Chapter 12

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Freddy drives to work that morning, and sees a girl he recognizes.
"No way Jillian?" Freddy says as he unrolls his window and parks his car.
"Omg, Freddy!" Jillian says pushing her sister out of the way. Her sister stumbles back and scoffs.
"Ugh this is the jerk that turned me down yesterday," Antoinette scoffed.
"Maybe he can sense sluts." Jillian remarks.
"Whatever, how do YOU know Freddy?"
Antoinette inquires. "We met at the old pizzeria for our 4th birthday. When I went missing? Remember?" Jillian says. "Obviously, it was the only time I was center of attention." She said. "Hey uhh it was great seeing you girls ,but I gotta go." Freddy says. "Okay, see ya later Freddy." Jillian says. Freddy rolls up his window and drives away.

A girl walks in and sits at the counter. "Hey little miss where are your parents?"
"Hey you live your life and I'll live mine." I look at my co-worker and
shrug. "Can I have a frozen black coffee?" She says. I stare at her as I grab one out of the freezer. "2.50 please." I say uncertain. She pays in quarters. I blink at her put it in the cash register and when I turn around she's gone.

I take off my apron and open the door, this was suspicious. "Hello?" I say going all the way around the cafe. I see a ladder on top of the garbage can and look up and see her. She has a little setup. Some clothes, a blanket, some scrapped together food, and a butter knife.(for protection)
"Whaaa?" I say. "Stand back, my uhh mom is somewhere?" She says questioned. I inch closer. "Hey!" She says. "Do you need a ride? Call someone?" I say. She drops the knife. "No I've done just fine without either." She says. "Here come with me, I need to help you," I say. It's obvious she's an homeless person or an orphan. She hops down from the roof. "I'm Allison." She says. "Freddy, can I take you to my house? It's not safe here and your just a little girl." I say. " Oh puleez! If been living up here for 24 weeks! I think." She says. "Okay Ally, is it okay if I call you that? I'm going to take you to my house and my husband and step sister can watch you." I say.
  "You're gay?" Ally says. "Yeah got a problem with that?" I snap. "No just, thought with a face like that you could win over any girl." Ally says, "You got some bite, girlie" I say as I turn on the car. "I know."  She remarks.

"Babe? Chica? Don't freak out, just come here." I say. They both come into the room. "Okay this is Allison, found her abandoned and she looks like a twig. She needed our help."
  "Chica can you fix her up?" I say. "Yup! I've always wanted a daughter! Well I may have one but time will tell!!" Chica says taking her into the bathroom. I hear them talking and laughing. "Why are you such a good person?" Bonnie says into my shirt hugging me. "I don't know, thank you for not freaking out, I'm sorry I should've called Child Services, but I needed to know she was in a good place." Freddy says. "Ally! Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" I hear Chica say. "Ahh." I hear Ally say. "What is happening?" I say, Ally is holding her eyebrow. "I was clipping her eyebrows, and I yanked it out." Chica says sheepishly. I exhale. "Okay."
"So Ally tell us about you." Chica says. "Well I'm 12, I have extra long toes, and uhh my mom was the only person I lived with and I didn't have a birth certificate so I really was just invisible, to everyone. People bought the house I had and I had no place to go." She said staring at the napkins in the centre of the table. "Ally? Did you have any siblings?" Chica says. "Yeah my older brothers but they are long gone somewhere." She says.
"They went with my dad." She says.
"Ay mates I'm home." Foxy says, coming inside, then washing his hands in the sink. Ally's eyes widened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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