"I don't believe you. Just go and get changed into something else and wash the blood off of your hands, please," Four sighed, shaking his head.

I just rolled my eyes and walked into the dormitory, grabbing a towel and heading to the shower. Even though I had had a shower this morning, I felt like I needed another one. I tied my hair up, so as not to get it wet and stepped in. I turned the water on cold and shivered as it hit me, but I wanted to feel the cold. I looked down at the drain, watching the diluted blood swirl around it. The cold water was making me realise what I did today might have been a bit extreme, but he was from Candor, he knew what had happened and he knew how much that comment would affect me.

I turned the water off and wrapped the towel around me. I walked over to my bed and put on some black jeans and a plain black top. I tightened my ponytail and decided to go shopping as everyone else was still training, and I wasn't in the mood to go back. Besides, I don't think Four wanted me there.

I walked into the Pit and it was just as empty as it was this morning as everyone was at work. I climbed the stairs up to the shop, looking to see what else they had here. I was tempted to go and get a tattoo, but I was in need of clothes more than I was a tattoo. I walked in and greeted the shop assistant, walking over to the girls section. I started looking for some tops when I spotted a black and white jacket. I walked over to it and saw it had black sleeves, a black back, black pockets and the front was white. The shop assistant spotted my surprise and came over to me.

"Even in Dauntless, people like having something a bit different. That's the only one of those we've got in, if you want it, you should get it. It just came in this morning."

"Thank you," I said, smiling at her. I picked it up and hung it over my arm, looking around for anything else. Before long I had a few tops, three pairs of trousers, two jackets and two pairs of shoes. I went over to the make-up and bought a new eyeliner and took everything up to the till.

"This is a lot of clothes, retail therapy?" The shop assistant asked me, smiling.

"Yeah, something like that. I'm Iris by the way," I introduced myself to her.

"Ah, first jumper. I'm Magenta, but just call me Maggie."

"Okay... Maggie," I said, laughing slightly as she did.

"Okay, you don't have many points left, so you can't do any more retail therapy, but you'll get more in a weeks' time, so you won't have to wait too long."

"Thank you," I said, grabbing my bags and smiling to her.

"See you soon, Iris."

As I walked out of the shop I saw the Pit had become a bit busier, but I couldn't see any initiates, so I decided to run back to the dormitory to put my bags away and head out to lunch with the rest of them. As I walked back into the dorm, people backed away from me. This would have bothered me before, but I really didn't care. I walked over to my bed and dropped my bags onto it. Sage, Jasper and Chase were sat on Sage's bed and were looking at each other awkwardly.

"Guys, I'm not going to do anything, so you can stop looking at me like that. Trust me, if you knew what it was about, you would have done the same," I reassured them, not liking the fact my friends seemed to be scared of me.

"You know if you need to talk about it, we're here for you," Jasper said, holding one of my hands.

"Thanks, but it's okay. Let's just go and eat, I'm starving."

We all started walking towards the Pit and everything felt normal again.

"Well, at least we know you can fight now," Chase laughed and the rest of us joined in.

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