Kids Included

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[smiles are free but they're worth a lot]


I woke up the next morning later than usual. I felt my eyes, the tenderness was gone. Sleep helps all. I just lay there thinking what have I done? These guys are criminals...hardcore criminals at that, they kill and murder, steal and ruin. They are the true lords of lawlessness. I closed my eyes and prayed that I had made the right decision. I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth and take a shower. It was crazy how much better I felt after that shower. I got dressed in jean shorts and a mesh sleeved top. I pulled on my sandals and just brushed my hair lightly. Perfume as always. I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. I saw Emi and the other two seated at the countertop.

"morning guys" I said, walking to the fridge to grab some orange juice. They all replied.

"the world is going to end!" Emi said "since when do you wear shorts?" Her face was in utter shock. I shrugged."I was in the mood I guess" I didn't realize it before but Montegro's eyes were stagnant on me, more particularly my body. He didn't even avert his gaze when he saw me noticeably staring at him.

"anyways I have to go out Alex and Cassy asked if you could watch Lincoln and Cassidy while she goes for her interview."

"yeah sure, why not" Cassidy was our best friend, she has two kids and a husband, but he's really busy, flying in and out of the country so that's why we became nannies to Cassidy and Lincoln.

"great I'll call her and tell her" and with that she called Cassy.

" Alex, she said she'll be over in a minute"

"okay" I said.





I opened the door, to see Cassidy and Lincoln standing, grinning from ear to ear and Cassy behind them.

"hey Cass, hey guys" I bent down and ruffled Lincoln's hair gave Cassidy a hug.

"aunty Alex! Aunty Alex! We got a puppy! His name is Coal" Cassidy was literally bouncing up and down about it. Lincoln just continued to grin.

"thank you Alex ,I know this is really last minute but thank you!"

" it's okay really, now go before you miss your interview!"

" darling I'm interviewing someone, I'm not getting interviewed-who's that?" She asked mid sentence. I turned to see.

"oh that's Montegro" she pinched my playfully on the arm.

"zayum he is fine!" She whispered "wait, wouldn't Blake get pissed when he sees this?"

"He's not in the picture anymore and no, Cassy, Montegro and I are not like that, look I'll explain the whole thing to you when you come to get your kids back. Okay?"

"alright, but i want the whole story" she said. She kissed her kids and walked back to her car and waved and then drove away. The kids ran inside and I locked the door. Emi and Javier had already left so it was only me, Montegro, Cassidy and Lincoln.

I saw Cassidy run straight to Montegro bad idea, bad idea, bad idea! I knew anytime she did that,the four year old was looking to be lifted off the ground. Before my lips could move, Montegro caught get and lifted her off the floor. She squealed happily as Montegro himself smiled.

"whoa there kiddo" he chuckled and I stood there with an amazed look on my face.

"Aunty Alex, he lifted me up!" Montegro looked at me and smiled. She never did that with Blake...... I was nearly thrown off my feet by it. It was a genuine smile. I smiled back. Lincoln broke it all when he ran to me causing me to pick him up as well.

"since when did you get so heavy?" I asked Lincoln. He blushed and turned away.

"aunty, he always eats! He's getting fat" Cassidy said crossing her arms.

"I'm not fat!" He said, his childish voice made me give him a kiss.

"you're too adorable to be fat" once again he blushed and buried his head in the crook of my neck. The three year old was very shy but very sweet.

"What's your name?" Cassidy asked Montegro

"Montegro, and yours kiddo?"

"Cassidy" she sang her name out. He chuckled once again. Every time I heard them, my insides clenched weirdly. I shook it off thinking it was just a reaction.

"okay guys, Cassidy the Barbie doll house is in my room along with the cars I bought for you Lincoln" they scrunched their noses. "what?"

" We want guns" they said. Montegro's eyes widen when they said it.

"what are-"

"Nerf guns" I said. His mouth made a 'o.' We put them down and they ran upstairs to find the Nerf guns. leaving us alone. The air grew uncomfortable as we just stood there awkwardly.

"you don't seem like a children person?" I stated.

"I deal with a five year old all the time"

"you have a daughter?" I asked, I felt a tinge of jealously, I shook it off, not knowing why I felt it in the first place.

He shook his head laughing "No, she's my niece. My sister's daughter." My lips pared to make the familiar 'o' shape. Lincoln and Montegro seemed to be friends now, as Lincoln was getting a piggy back ride from Montegro. Again, why are they so comfortable with him? Cassidy was busy combing my hair and complimenting me on how beautiful it was. We all sat down for lunch, I made pizza for them. Kids will always love pizza. They then asked me to make lemonade for them. I fulfilled all their requests.

"this tastes great aunty Alex" they both said as they munched down on their slices. Montegro grunted in agreement as he ate too. I smiled in content and ate my slice as well. After lunch, they decided on movies . We watched The Croods, How To Train Your Dragon and Despicable Me 2. They were both sleeping on our laps at the end. I looked Montegro who was out as well. I smiled as felt my eyelids dropping as I nodded away myself.




I awoke to the sound of Emi and Javier talking to loud for my taste. The children were still sleeping and Montegro was already stirring. I carefully got up and laid them into much more comfortable positions. Montegro finally woke and did the same. We walked to the kitchen where all the noise originated.

"you two need to lower your voices !" I whispered slash shouted. I was irritated, I liked to sleep.

" the children are sleeping, plus you already woke us up" Montegro added, clearly annoyed. They muttered their sorrys to us. I walked back to see the children now awake. They rubbed their eyes. Just then the door bell rang. Cassy was at the door. She bought us bar-be-que. I was grateful. The pizza finished faster than I expected.

"now you will explain" she said.

"okay" I replied. I explained to her everything-from Blake to Montegro and Javier.

"but you know...this Montegro guy, he's really hot"Cassy said as-a-matter-of-factly. I laughed but didn't comment. "and I can't believe Blake, that little mother fu-" I stopped her.

" I don't care about him anymore, so he doesn't matter to me again" she smiled when I said that.

"that's good" she said. She called the kids who grudgingly came, they muttered sleepy bye byes. Emi and Javier decided to eat and take an early sleep. Which alone with Montegro. we sat in the couch as he laid back bad boy style. I realized Cassidy left her rag on the couch. I put my feet up on the coffee table and just sat there.

Then the damn door bell rang again.

Bad Boy Gone Good [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon