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Namran slowly looked up from the file towards Camran who was sitting in front of him while looking at the computer doing some work. When Cameran felt a gaze on him he snapped looked up when Namran speedily looked away. When Cameran saw no one looking at him he sighed looked back towards the computer. Namran cursed himself for being like this? He keeps looking at him. He was just curious what was so good in him that she loved him so much? He sneaks peek once more towards him and saw him working when he felt relieved and went back to his work.

 There were piles of work for them after all crime happens every single day none stop.'If all of you free, can we have a meeting regarding Mrs Yasmin's case.' Namran said as everyone looked up towards him then nodded their head in yes. 

They all stood up and walk inside the meeting room. They all sit down on chairs around the table while Namran stood in the middle.

 'So, I and Cameron have conducted the alibi of the suspects. Victim's husband at a time was at his work alone. He is a salesman, but he had no one who could approve that he was in office as he was working late night alone. No CCTV cameras are available in the office's building either. Her Son Affan was at his friend's house whose whole family said he was present at their place whole night as both guys were having a study night. He is all clear. He has an alibi. And lastly, the mother in law went to trip since the day before the Victim was murdered. She went to stay at an Islamic charity camp where they helped out with a donation. That was not her first time on charity camp. She go there every year from the past three years. We went to the charity and she did sign in as well few people did saw her at a camp. For now, she is all clear now. The only husband is not clear and he is our right now the main suspect .' Namran said as he read off the information he and Camran had collected while everyone else quietly listens to him.

 'Anything else any of you have.' Namran said as he asked others input.

 'I got an autopsy report. She was killed between 12-2 pm at night and was killed as someone hit her with a heavy object. The murder weapon is still missing. The Victim was a former teacher who lost her job last year due to unknown reason which is weird. The family was financially struggling.' Maryam said as she gave out the information she had collected.

'What do you think Kasif?' Camran asked as they all looked towards Kasif.

 'I find Mrs Yasmin had an insurance policy which could be a motive to kill her. After her death, all the money would go to the victim's husband. otherwise, It could be a plain robbery case. It could be accidentally murder where thief came to steal but the victim saw him and he killed her. 

' Kasif replied and they all nodded their head in yes. 

'What is your profile on the case Salar?' Namran asked and Salar looked up towards all of them and spoke up.

'According to my analysis the murder does not seem like an accident but a planned murder and after analysing the victim wound, I believe the killer in height if few inches younger then victim which leads her husband having fewer chances to be killer. There are chances of robbery but it seems like a fake robbery.'

'So, her husband might not be a killer. But everything points against him for sure.' Camran said as he pointed out his concern 

'Yes, she does not seem like having an enemy. Everyone around her neighbour said good things about her.' Maryam said whereas Namran was deep thinking. 

'What should we do next Namran?' Salar asked as they all looked towards Namran

'I want Maryam to check her husband's alibi again. We might find something. Salar, you go and to look out for murder weapon. If we can find the weapon that is the easiest way to catch the criminal and it will be the strongest evidence for the case. Kasif, I want you to track down Mrs Yasmin's computer and mobile and see if we could find anything. Cameran, please go and check out the alibi for the victim's mother in law again. Make sure she was present there for the whole weekend. Something about the charity camp is not sitting well with me and I will look out to see why she was fire from her job last year. Nobody gets fired for unknown reasons.' Namran said as he gave our orders to them. They all nodded their head in yes then got up and walk out. 

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