We wish you a Merry Christmas and a not so happy new year

Start from the beginning

"I see you came on time. But I'm a bit impatient, as you can see. "

I resisted against his grip and he tied a piece of thick cloth over my mouth and tied my hands behind my back with handcuffs.  Zoe started to crawl over to me, muffled protest were coming out of her mouth. The man huffed.

"Your still alive??  Ugh I'll just haft to end you quickly then won't I. "

He pulled a pistol out of his belt and. He shot her.

"MMM!! "

It was muffled but I screamed after Zoe, I soon broke into a fit of tears. My little sister.. Gone... Taken by this evil man.. I started to put up a fight wriggling in his arms and kicking him in the shins but he clasped my stomach and pulled himself to wards me.

"Now now young one, I wouldn't do that if I were you. "

He raised a knife to my throat.
The scene is over... For now you can read the next part.

Evan's POV

I was pacing the floor in a fit of panic. He hasn't called me back and its been like what, 3 hours since he left.

"Maybe he just forgot to call back"

"I dunno mum he wouldn't forget stuff like this.. "

"How can you be so sure? " Crystalline was playing Fortnite on her new Xbox she got for Christmas with some other of her friends.

"Because he KNOWS how panicky I get when he DOES.... I'm gonna call him."

"Honey he's prolly jus--"


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number...

Ring ring

"C'mon C'mon please pick up the  phone..."


You really wanna test me, Connor Murphy. I know how to hurt you and your baby...


Yeah that's right.. I know about that to.. Be ashame if your boyfriend knew that the baby was lost... Be an even grater shame if it was made to look like it was all your fault.. But I have a solution for that..


Yes, yes I have a solution for everything... Don't worry.. We'll just make it look like that this one is his...


I barely heard the muffled skin slapping against more skin until I heard what seemed to be a seductive moan and muffled crying. I was horrified by what I heard.

And no one will ever be the wiser


Connor was crying... I couldn't believe my ears..

Nnnn ha ah ha I love how your body trembles in my arms


I couldn't listen anymore, I cut off the phone and threw it to the ground.

"Evan.. That cost money.. "

"Mum look at the house we live in, you can buy another if it is broken without any troubles"

"Hmpf.. well i don't think i will now... "

I went upstairs, grabbed my jacket, shoes and keys and went back down.

"Where are you going young man? "

"Not now mum on just.. If you want... Get you coat and shoes on and let's go. "

"What's happening is Connor ok? "

"There is a random person in his house.. I.. I think he's raping him..."

Connor's POV
I was helpless.. My family were dead. I was being raped by some random man and worst of all, Evan prolly didn't even notice I didn't call back. The man had finished and pulled out.

"Mmm that was nice."
He pulled my pants back up and pulled up his trousers, he then shoved me to the floor. I turned onto my back and started to push myself away from him. I backed up against the wall.

"Now that I am satisfied..Its time I ended you"

He pulled out his pistol again and loaded it.

"MMMM!! "

"Good bye Connor Murphy."

Just then a figure burst through the window and jumped on the mans back and started to tackle him.


Evan.. He had come for me... But he can get himself killed, seconds later I felt myself being picked up and immediately started kicking, screaming and resisting.. But they pulled me into a hug instead of holding a knife to my neck or a gun to my head. I broke out into fits of tears

"Shhh shhh shhh shhh it's ok... Everything will be ok.

My stomach hurts. I looked down to see that I was bleeding... I immediately collapsed into her arms. She took a hair pin from her hair and unlocked the handcuffs then she untied the cloth around my mouth.


I started to cry

"He raped me..."

"Your bleeding.."

She looked under my shirt to find knife wounds and a deep cut.. She pulled my shirt down

"You need to go to the hospital."

Gunshot. We turned to see Evan rolling onto the floor with a circular wound in his chest..


His mum started running towards him but was soon stopped by the sound of a gun being locked and loaded.

"Take another step and I'll finish him on the spot. "

"Please, let my son and son-in-law go."

"I'll give you your son.. But the son-in-law.. Well..."

He pointed his gun at me.

"He'll be taking the same route as his family"

I looked at Evan, who was still conscious, and then his mum..

"I-i love you both.... I-.... I'm sorry"

"No. "

"Connor no--"

The front door burst wide open and S. W. A. T.  teams were flooding in through the front door. They tackled the man and they went up to Evan to see if he was ok. Doctors and Nurses came rushing in next, they soon carried Evan and I to our opposite stretchers, and they managed to resuscitate Zoe and get her to the hospital too. The amount of blood loss was significant so I didn't know what was going on. But everything went black. 

•Words from the author•
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why do I do this to myself... Subject myself to this torture and then cry about it at night... I'm a horrible person.......... Now.... If you'll excuse me.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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