#1 Your song

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First preference! Comment what you think below and if you want an imagine or have a preference idea comment!

Niall: Collide - Howie Day
He says this song is just as beautiful as you are and you've loved this song for years, so its perfect for you guys.

Zayn: Beside You - 5 seconds of summer
He's always leaving for tour or always has something he needs to do far away from you. But he says he'll always be dreaming about you and wishing you were together. You know he'll be back soon.

Harry: Little Wonders - Rob Thomas
He thought this would be the perfect song for you guys since its so sweet but also because you're very short, but he's always finding out new talents you have so he calls you his little wonder.

Liam: Summer Love - One Direction
You guys met at one of his concerts in May and at the meet and greet he gave you his number. You guys talked all summer and even hung out a lot since you were out of school. But then once classes started back up you rarely got to see him so you decided it was a romance for the summer.

Louis: See You Tonight - Scotty McCreery
Louis is gone a lot but always missing you. When he ends a concert he'll call you or FaceTime you just to see your pretty face as he says it. One night you knew he had a concert and were waiting for his call. When midnight rolled around he still hasn't called. You decided it was time to go to sleep. You then heard a tapping on your (1st story) window. You looked out and there was Louis with flowers.

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