Terushima X Yachi Part 1

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Description: Yachi is manager of the boys volleyball team now and in her Third year. Her and the other managers are pulling together a fancy banquet to celebrate all of their hard work. Even some of the previous players were coming back to celebrate. It should be fun, right?


The mall was just buzzing with sound. It was really crowded today.

"I wonder if there is something special going on today?" I wondered aloud.

I spotted a group of familiar looking girls and waved. They spotted me and smiled waving back.

"Hey Yachi! Are we ready to do this?" One girl asked smiling. I recognized her as Josai's new manager of the boys volley ball team.

"I'm ready!" I smiled cheerfully.

All of the managers had gathered together here so we could shop for decorations and prizes to hand out at the banquet we were hosting.

We had been planning it for months now. Everything was pretty much finished. Just some last minute touches. Plus I needed to buy a dress.

I scratched my head frowning.

What should I wear to the banquet? Not anything too fancy I don't think.

As a cloud of gloom spread above me the manager of Date Tech placed a hand on my shoulder.

She smiled and inclined her chin gesturing for me to follow.

We walked about the mall for a while finding interesting things for prizes.

We purchased medals online already and had them delivered to my house. I was bringing them with me to the hotel the night before.

We had rented the ballroom of a nice hotel by pooling our funds together.

It's going to be beautiful. I hope the boys enjoy themselves.

I passed a boutique and paused. There was a beautiful dress in the window that caught my eye.

I left the group and stepped inside. I found a worker and asked if I could try it on. She agreed happily and led me to the changing rooms.

I stepped into the fabric and smiled. The dress fit perfectly. It was a beautiful black dress that swirled when I turned. The skirts ruffled in the air.

The first layer of the skirts had glitter so I glistened like a star in the night when I twirled about the dressing room.

The orange silk sashe around the waist was perfect for Karasuno colors too.

I bought the dress and a pair of high heeled shoes to match as I left the store.

Hmm maybe I should have gone with a smaller heel? The odds of me tripping now are highly in my favor.

As I worried I glanced up to realize I had lost my group in the sea of people.


I hurried along searching for any sign of them. Getting myself lost I made turn after turn, but still no sign of them.

I leaned against a wall in a secluded area where there was less people. I braced my hands on my knees catching my breath.

I straightened to take out my phone and call them, but just as I was about to take my phone out it was snatched out of my hands.

"Huh?" I gasped looked up to see I was surrounded by three very large guys. They looked like a rough group.

They had smiles on their faces, but they weren't friendly. My stomach tightened as I began to grasp the situation I was in.

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