I looked around us with half-opened eyes and saw no one. Good.

I hopped, wrapping my legs around his waist, and took the responsibility of grinding our groins. He let out a low growl and looked at me with his eyes full of lust and hunger. I smirked and attacked his neck. He stepped backwards as I concentrated on searching for his soft spot.

He soon plopped down and grunted when I finally found it. I smirked against his skin and bit it, earning myself a groan from him. I nibbled and sucked it and pulled away for a bit to look at my artwork. I smiled, feeling all contented, but it soon disappeared when he kissed me again.

I saw that he was now sitting up against the tree I was leaning on when I woke up earlier with my legs on his both sides, straddling him, before I closed my eyes.

“H-Hunter…” I moaned his name when his lips went down my neck and easily found my soft spot. He bit it quite too much that I was sure it bled. I breathed out his name once more as he sucked and licked it and did the same to various parts along my neckline.

His arms started roaming along my sides and I slid my hand across his bare chest down to his abs, making sure I grazed a finger to one of his nipples, while my other hand was tugging his hair. He bucked his hips in response, making both of us groan in pleasure as we ground against each other more.

We both froze when my stomach grumbled loudly. I slowly pulled away myself from him, both of us breathing heavily, and just sat in front of him with my hands on my lap. I was looking down, a sheepish smile helplessly playing upon my lips, as I felt my cheeks heated up more.

He chuckled and I looked at him under my lashes. He was looking at me all amused, the palm-shaped mark on his cheek now gone. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from giggling.

We just stared at each other for a while, long enough for me to take in all his features. His jet-black hair that complimented his icy blue eyes. Oh how I love that color! But, come to think of it, I preferred that his eyes were blood red. It always amazed me whenever I saw it. His nose, his full pink lips that slightly pursed everytime he talked. Did I say that he was so sexy whenever he was doing that smirk, the one he was doing right now? His firm jaws that would make you run away from him as fast as you could the moment you saw him clenching it.

I grinned when I saw the love bite I gave him on his neck. His oh-so-yummy toned chest, not to mention his drool-worthy 8-pack abs. And then if we would just go further down—

“Silver, stop eye-raping me,” Hunter cooed with a slight snicker.

Instead of giving him some smart-ass comeback like I usually would, I stood up, nudging his back for him to scoot forward, and positioned myself on his back for a piggyback ride before he could protest. I pushed him again a little, and he just chuckled before standing up. Clutching my legs in his sides, he continued to walk towards the house that should’ve been done several minutes ago if we didn’t get a little bit… distracted.

I whined, “Hunter! Walk faster! I'm so hungry! Do you want me to starve to death?!” I wiggled myself.

Hunting SilverWhere stories live. Discover now