Losing you

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I still see you in mind's  eye,
I love you, I hope you know,
Before you go.
You were my grandmother,
My mentor, my friend,
I loved you to the very end
There's lots of things you won't see,
But many things you did,
You saw me grow into a woman
From a little kid

I fight for the good moments, the sweet memories that flood my mind. I relish the fact that I get to say goodbye.
It feels so final,
But I know that that's a lie,
One day I'll meet,
In a mansion in the sky,
He'll wipe away all the tears,
Pain from all the years,
of missing you.
In His presence you'll be,
Wrapped in His arms, waiting for me
I may be losing you,
But in the end I have the memories,
The love and happy reveries
I see in my mind's eye
The way your blue eyes glittered,
When I entered the room,
Long walks in the morning,
Hours with you at night,
Sitting on your bed, room lite with lamp light,
I can't forget you,
Don't think I ever will,
I know I'll see you again,
But I can't wait until,
Your story may be ending
Mine has just begun,
I know you'll be smiling down at me,
In the arms of the Son

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now